Happy Halloween Everyone!!!!

My brother in law does a full on haunted house thing performed by his kids and other neighborhood kids, complete with a chainsaw wielding maniac. The chain is removed of course.

It is a lot of fun to watch. :lol: I may shoot video, we'll see. They scare the piss out of some people.

One Halloween many moons ago, I hung out at a friends house, helping hand out candy. Their front door was right next to the door leading into the garage. Kids would come up and ring the doorbell, then take a step back to wait for someone to answer the door. As we were opening the front door, my buddies dad would open the garage door and grab a kid's shoulder as they were getting their candy. :lol:
Isn't that so fun to do??? Mark and I dress up and sit on the bench on our front porch and look lifeless so they think we are just props. They get to the door and ring the bell, wait a few seconds, then we jump up from the bench and scare them to buggery. So fun! The kids hate it so much they love it and come back every year with more friends to get them scared by us. :lol:
Have a Happy and safe one everybody!
LOL! you rock Linda :)

We're boring.. a few tomb stones in the front yard.. pumpkins, and good candy as we sit in the living room and watch Brisco County Jr on my laptop..hhe
jajajajaja jajajajajajajajajajajjajajaja woow linda thats very funny one time when i was younger i went to look out for the .... trick or treat and we went into a store and the empleoyee of the store say "are you here for the candys, well wait" he went away and get into a door inside the store ...and then he suddenly apears in my back shouting with a wolf mask jajajaj very scary but funny.

well here we put the ... "ofrenda" that is a table full of candels (one for each dead person you like) and we also put the bread of the dead "pan de muerto" and a lot of things that the dead people used to love, like cigarrates for my grandfather, "mole" for my grandmother and thousands of things

well HAPPY HALLOWEEN TO EVERYBODY!!!!!! this is my custome jajajajajajajaja

Doodoobubbachuck said:
Isn't that so fun to do??? Mark and I dress up and sit on the bench on our front porch and look lifeless so they think we are just props. They get to the door and ring the bell, wait a few seconds, then we jump up from the bench and scare them to buggery. So fun! The kids hate it so much they love it and come back every year with more friends to get them scared by us. :lol:


Here's the pumpkin that sitting out front of our place: