Happy New Year!

Happy New year everyone!
2008 started most excellent for me. I won 35 bucks on a pick up poker game I play with my family and friends on new year's day. How was everyone's new year so far?

Anyone have any new year's resolutions that they would like to share?
Mine is to learn to improvise in time in terms of guitar playing, and on a more personal level I am trying to keep my grades up so in 09 I can aspire to a good college. Also keeping my family in Romania happy and proud while a good few thousands of miles away.

Oh and Steve, please crush again the world with awesome music and some tours. And by crush them I mean pretend you are the mighty alien Xenu, and the others are Tom Cruise, and co. hope there are no scientologists on the board :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: