I know. It is a prank. People in different citys lost their power at the exact time... but some right next to us did not. totally unconnected S.C. cities lost power 10 minutes till. Then... get this... I got a call from an invalid 12 digit number from rio verde, mexico, on my phone. I looked up similar incidents on the internet, and guess what? There is a group of people there all calling from 12 digit numbers (which is invalid in mexico) and from around the same area. The people scam you, threaten you, find out too much info about you, and ask you weird questions. Sometimes, I heard, they will not leave a message, and sometimes they will. This time they did not. BUT that does not mean they have forgotten me. So I'm just hoping they won't call again. Cuz if they call again, their calling 100000000000000000000000000000 times. All of the other incidents were like that! Oh and get this, it was at 1:33 in the morning on 1/1/10 the same time my power went on... no it's not the power company... my dad's cell called them. So they don't even know mine. I now know for sure it is those people, from rio verde. Weird huh? well... have a nice day and a good year!

today is Sunday! I'll be going to church soon. So bye!
P.S. why does everything weird happen to me?