my "trolling" moments are not bullshit. in that example "bullshit" would be trying to say something articulative and relevant to the conversation but failing to say anything that makes sense or is not in any way relevant to the conversation.
What your calling "bullshit" is just random. Im not trying to actually say something. its just a random thought posted for no reason. Do you think i actually take this forum that seriously? Most of the time i post here its just to fuck around because ITS THE FUCKING INTERNET. if i really wanted to have an actual articulative conversation with someone i would GO OUT and talk to them personally. The "INTERNET" is way to simple to actually be able to have a "GOOD" conversation because while speaking in actual language the contex of the words you are using and the emphasis on the apropriate words make what you are saying more meaningful. So honestly i think trying to actually speak to someone on an IDIOTIC completely useless forum completely futile. Because none of these people matter because you will never meet them. Dont try to impress them dont try to analyze them DONT engage them because you wont make any progress this way. its just a waste of your life. i find it completely pathetic how you try to progress in your life on a boat of people who arent floating forward or backward just completely still because you arent going to get anyware. Thats why im never seriouse on this board and just fuck with people. Why am i typing such a long post cuz its early in the morning i am bored and still kinda drunk. and i know this wont improve my life in any way.. but yea im bored.