Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Like i care what fags like you think. The only people who actually take what i have to say into personal account are you and heartless' other ass lickers. It takes you about 10 minutes to write just that little measily paragraph. You are NOT articulative. You are a little boy trying to talk big but can't back up shit he says. You have never beaten anyone in an argument. just cause 1 or 2 cocksuckers agrees with you doesent mean what you said is validated. Stop trying to fit in and make people think your cool because going on the offensive like that just proves that you arent.
what fucking sources? you are just talking out of your ass now. I never defended anything i said in that statement i was clearly pointing out how simple and idiotic your mind works and how desperatly you are crying for attention.

"im a brainy satanist i like to get into seriouse discussions on the internet and i have a real life! love me!!"

Sad rlly.
Anybody who is reading this can clearly see I couldn't give a fuck about attention, it's you who randomly bullshits (from what I've speculated) or over-exaggerates what you've done in life to get popular on a forum:erk: In fact it'd be highly inaccurate to determine how my mind works throughout a post. You're completely contradicting yourself, regardless of if the statement is true, you and I are very much alike or complete opposite. The reason why I'm taking long to post is because I'm speaking to other people rather than trying to proove any point whatsoever on this place. We're not people to you, we're just scapegoats. Items you can blame when you've done something wrong because it makes you feel big, when what you're really saying is something which reminds you of yourself. The description you made of me is actually representitive to you.
Dude dont try psychology on me.. It doesent work... Everything you say is complete bullshit. you dont know about 85% of the shit you are saying. you are just blurting out random information youve heard in a conversation that seems relevant. When it has absolutely nothing to do with anything.
Dude dont try psychology on me.. It doesent work... Everything you say is complete bullshit. you dont know about 85% of the shit you are saying. you are just blurting out random information youve heard in a conversation that seems relevant. When it has absolutely nothing to do with anything.
Psychology? You're the one who 'speculated' your assumptions from something I posted about you. It'd be completely wasted to act out an investigation on a subject such as you:mad: You're smart, but wasted potential. You could make much more of yourself without blindly assuming your superiority over me. I haven't claimed anything about myself, if it is true I will admit it- I've nothing to hide. And this 85% calculation is what's 'complete bullshit'. It'd be a waste of my time to look around the forum and find one of your aimless trolling moments just to proove something to you.
my "trolling" moments are not bullshit. in that example "bullshit" would be trying to say something articulative and relevant to the conversation but failing to say anything that makes sense or is not in any way relevant to the conversation.
What your calling "bullshit" is just random. Im not trying to actually say something. its just a random thought posted for no reason. Do you think i actually take this forum that seriously? Most of the time i post here its just to fuck around because ITS THE FUCKING INTERNET. if i really wanted to have an actual articulative conversation with someone i would GO OUT and talk to them personally. The "INTERNET" is way to simple to actually be able to have a "GOOD" conversation because while speaking in actual language the contex of the words you are using and the emphasis on the apropriate words make what you are saying more meaningful. So honestly i think trying to actually speak to someone on an IDIOTIC completely useless forum completely futile. Because none of these people matter because you will never meet them. Dont try to impress them dont try to analyze them DONT engage them because you wont make any progress this way. its just a waste of your life. i find it completely pathetic how you try to progress in your life on a boat of people who arent floating forward or backward just completely still because you arent going to get anyware. Thats why im never seriouse on this board and just fuck with people. Why am i typing such a long post cuz its early in the morning i am bored and still kinda drunk. and i know this wont improve my life in any way.. but yea im bored.
my "trolling" moments are not bullshit. in that example "bullshit" would be trying to say something articulative and relevant to the conversation but failing to say anything that makes sense or is not in any way relevant to the conversation.
What your calling "bullshit" is just random. Im not trying to actually say something. its just a random thought posted for no reason. Do you think i actually take this forum that seriously? Most of the time i post here its just to fuck around because ITS THE FUCKING INTERNET. if i really wanted to have an actual articulative conversation with someone i would GO OUT and talk to them personally. The "INTERNET" is way to simple to actually be able to have a "GOOD" conversation because while speaking in actual language the contex of the words you are using and the emphasis on the apropriate words make what you are saying more meaningful. So honestly i think trying to actually speak to someone on an IDIOTIC completely useless forum completely futile. Because none of these people matter because you will never meet them. Dont try to impress them dont try to analyze them DONT engage them because you wont make any progress this way. its just a waste of your life. i find it completely pathetic how you try to progress in your life on a boat of people who arent floating forward or backward just completely still because you arent going to get anyware. Thats why im never seriouse on this board and just fuck with people. Why am i typing such a long post cuz its early in the morning i am bored and still kinda drunk. and i know this wont improve my life in any way.. but yea im bored.
What's the purpose of generating random useless insults, when you could be having an intellectual conversation with somebody? You've proven you aren't that useless, but still, the petty insults like go wank over a pentagram do not represent life situations in any way, and are aidless to any discussion you are trying to make. At least I can learn something by having a conversation, whether online or offline. Calling somebody a dick for no reason gains you nothing and you are unfulfilled. When I made a thread about suicide, it was simply to compare people's views with my own. You told me to wank over a pentagram just because you got bored? If you can say something more wittier I'll be delighted.
AN INTERNET FORUM ISNT LIFE! so why should it reflect life situations? I see this place as somewhere to let off steam FROM MY REAL LIFE. I honestly dont CARE if any of my posts are aidful in any way to anyone on this forum because I DONT CARE about anyone on this forum. I will never meet any of them. I dont try to improve their lives or try to exchange views with them because they wont be here to share the progression with me nor i with them. So its futile. It doesent give me butterflies in my stomach knowing that i helped some peoplez on the internet who i will never meet understand some bullshit that i said to them on a forum ON THE INTERNET.

(*except Gonzo.. i will meet him one day. the earth will rumble once we shake hands and the world will soon after know the power of Codi & Gonzo united :heh: *)
AN INTERNET FORUM ISNT LIFE! so why should it reflect life situations? I see this place as somewhere to let off steam FROM MY REAL LIFE. I honestly dont CARE if any of my posts are aidful in any way to anyone on this forum because I DONT CARE about anyone on this forum. I will never meet any of them. I dont try to improve their lives or try to exchange views with them because they wont be here to share the progression with me nor i with them. So its futile. It doesent give me butterflies in my stomach knowing that i helped some peoplez on the internet who i will never meet understand some bullshit that i said to them on a forum ON THE INTERNET.

that is correct :p its the internet, you can be anything that you want, even a slim, good looking, genius guy :p