Happy St. Patrick's Day!

you know absolutely nothing about so stop acting like you're such a fucking genius

Didn't you once say that you're a genius and the government offered to put in some super smart research program but you refused? :lol:

heartless' other ass lickers.

You and Gonzo are like two pieces of stale bread stuffed up a rotting corpse's ass. Stop labelling anyone who hates you as "my minion", dumbshit.

if i really wanted to have an actual articulative conversation with someone i would GO OUT and talk to them personally.

No you wouldn't, cuz you have no friends/life and you never leave your house except to eat or watch movies.

What's the purpose of generating random useless insults, when you could be having an intellectual conversation with somebody? You've proven you aren't that useless, but still, the petty insults like go wank over a pentagram do not represent life situations in any way, and are aidless to any discussion you are trying to make. At least I can learn something by having a conversation, whether online or offline. Calling somebody a dick for no reason gains you nothing and you are unfulfilled. When I made a thread about suicide, it was simply to compare people's views with my own. You told me to wank over a pentagram just because you got bored? If you can say something more wittier I'll be delighted.

This post is useless too much truth and commonsense for him, just stop arguing in the future and save us all the time. We knowhis M/O. He'll just cause an argument, then report it, thread gets deleted and everyone gets banned but him.

we are all movie characters in a huge scene called life.

You and Codi's movie is more like a gay porn.

AN INTERNET FORUM ISNT LIFE! so why should it reflect life situations? I see this place as somewhere to let off steam FROM MY REAL SHITTY LIFE.
I see :Smug:

(*except Gonzo.. i will meet him one day. the bed will rumble once and the world will soon after know the power of Codi & Gonzo united in matrimony :blush: *)

that is correct :p its the internet, you can be anything that you want, even a slim, good looking, genius guy :p
:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :lol:

you can think wat you want. you know nothing of me.

We ALL know about you :erk:

i'm glad for that
:lol: :lol:

Il prove all your little presumptions of me false when i meet you at wacken.

You'll never go to Wacken. Unless it's by freightship but even then. You will never go to Wacken.

Stop calling me dennis old man. call me by my screen nameo or my real name.. Calling me by that idiot name just shows how you are trying to get attention from that pitiful person. that joke is just idiotic.
dont call me ne thing ne more. try not to talk to me. i find what you have been saying to be an eyesore. just ignore me and il do the same to u.
if you must speak with me then call me by me real name or screen name. if you call me otherwise il take it as an insult because you will be purposly going against my wishes to engage or insult me.

Build up to him reporting you because he's all flamed out, he starts the arguments, fuels the fire, then when he gets owned and can't handle it anymore he does this and reports you :) Beware.

ur not posting it are you? around here that means u are hiding. isnt that gay.. Dude you havent even posted a picture?!? how can u make judgments on anyone. you might be 1,000,000,000 pounds and covered in pimples
Nope, unlike you we've seen clear, undistorted pics of him. Actually Codi there was ONE pic of you that wasn't pinched or distorted shape, but we all know what that looks like.


that was like.. beyond pathetic how long did it take you to put that all together little guy? about an hour. Come down to LA please. i beg you. But dont try and suck my cock like you want to. i just want to beat the shit out of you.
*dresses as Johnny Carson in the Swami suit and holds that post to his head* Three things that describe Codi when it comes to the actor who plays Angel?
Yea i do... dumb fuck. When he guesses what is inside the letter he puts to his forehead. that joke has been played out fucking years ago since its been used on the simpsons and various other t.v shows a million times. everything you say is played out.