Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Explain the lure? I guess it'd make more sense if I were Irish.... or it wasn't Monday.
I told everyone I know if they pinch me I'll blacken their eyes. This still stands as my position, and no one has pinched me in the 4 years since.
i dont mind pinches (except from dudes, obviously), but i was feeling festive today

My jacket is greenish, so I was safe as long as it was on. A friend gave me some Belgium beer called "Pirate" or something like that, and it comes in these cool white bottles and has something like 10% alc. I'd celebrate St. Patrick's day with them, but I have two tests tomorrow B( It wouldn't be in my best interest.
Ouch. I love that film though. I didn't really do anything special yesterday, I don't have any classes this week and no work this week :), I didn't do anything wild, haha. I made corned beef and cabbage, potatoes, apple pie (not Irish, but such an epic dinner demanded desert) and tolerated others sipping Guinness trying to pretend they didn't enjoy it :p