Happy St. Patrick's Day?!

@ Neal -- Yeah, people have tried to get me to class up a bit in my drinking tastes. The thing is, when you find an alcohol that can get you "holy hell -- when did that wall get put there" drunk and still wake up the next morning feeling well-rested, you go with it. That and, whatever taste people who try to at least get me into a higher-quality tequila are trying to avoid, is what I like about the Cuervo. OK, yeah, and I'm in customer service, so I pretty much only try to drink myself invisible on weekdays that sucked.
gotta be up at 5:30 and have 2 midterms due tomorrow so no partying for me tonight, just training and shitty school work blahh. The amount of green clothing I saw today was pretty ridiculous though.
i had this idiotic idea of going to the pub where I'm a regular, but of course they were milking the tourist/idiot trade for all it was worth last night, with no happy hour and a limited tap. so we ended up at a kind of mediocre hipster bar (the South Lake Grill, if anyone in Seattle knows it) that had cheapass Jameson and surprisingly good happy hour food. i think i'm still drunk right now, and my boss showed up at the bar, so if i call in sick today she will crucify me.

happy st. paddy's, everyone.
I went to this place in Bethesda last night: http://www.relicinbethesda.com/

They had awesome happy-hour prices on really good wine, and OK fusion/pretentious food. (Including fried frog-legs.... which I did not order. )
Their lamb sausage was good, and the portabello salad I ordered had barely any goat cheese on it... FAIL.

But the happy hour wine I had, was amazing.
Hmm well last night sure ended up playing out differently than I expected. It's actually relieving to be sitting at work right now.

I owe a really cute bartender my life today.
I had two drinks while playing God of War 3. No hangover (didn't drink enough to get one) but my schedule is all out of whack due to not going to bed until 5 A.M. Though, the late-night gaming was caused by late-night coding that ultimately skewed the schedule.

I'm glad I work from home.
Ironically enough, I brought my brand new expensive camera into the bar with me because I didn't want to leave it unattended in my car and ended up forgetting it inside. I didn't realize it until I was dropping my friend off at home. We went back to the bar and I was freaked out the entire time. Totally bummed, crushed, gutted, etc. There were TONS of drunken fools up in this place and I knew exactly where I left it... on the concrete next to the chair I was sitting in on the outdoor patio. I thought for sure it would be gone.

WHen we got back to the place, my friend told me to just stop and let him out and he'll run inside while I park. By the time I found a place to park, he was already coming out with my camera. The bartender found it laying on the ground amongst all the heathens and promptly rescued it and kept it safe because she knew we'd be back for it eventually.

I <3 her.

<3 <3 <3

Never even got her name. I think I should probably go back in there soon and have another beer and tell her thank you personally. It might not seem like a huge deal for someone to do, but I would have been absolutely devastated if I'd lost that camera. It means the world to me that she saved it.
Awww! I love hearing about good people doing the right thing!
Glad your camera was safe... god, I can only imagine what you went through when you realized that you lost it..
Im so happy there was a happy ending to it, Kev :)