Happy St Pats

Ahh yes that glorious day is upon us, March 17th! When all of America comes together to have a pie fight and poke each other in the eyes!
Why, you heathens ask?
I'll tell you why it's Shemp Howard's Birthday!
Mosh Hard Always!
ahhh, yes. I happen to have 1 Guinness left in the fridge......................well, not for long!
Went out Friday w/ some buds after my workday at the school was overwith. So anyhow, we wound up doing lots of "crow" and lots of "smoke" (neither of which do I do very often, but my buddy just got his income tax returns, and he floated the bill) so we (about 6 of us all told) were up until 10 Saturday morning drinking Guiness and Jamesons and man, it is Sunday, and I still feel like shit. I have lost some of my old superhero powers. No word on any of my friends btw, they hopped in the car in the midst of being fucked up and said they were heading for the beach. Keep in mind, I live in Ohio!! I said "i think I'll stay here." I need some new friends anyway.
Maybe you should try some of that AlkaSeltzer Hangover Relief or Morning After, or what ever it's called!
I read that in Guitar mag. or one of those! It was Dimebag, though, in the article I read.

Scott said Dimebag is the best Bartender in the world, or something like that!
Both Dime and Vinnie have "reset" buttons tattooed on their tricep, so when they wake up hungover all they have to do is press reset!!! I used to be able to party like that day in and day out, but not anymore man! I'm not that old, but I think I accelerated my age like triple time whilst in college. You know, live fast, die young, leave a pretty corpse. Then I realized it was 30 years until I could retire and slowed down.