Happy Valentine's Day lovers


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
I have to say that I had this prefabricated Holiday that this year just totally snuck up on me. Wasn't it just Xmas 2 weeks ago? certainly the snow that fell on Xmas is still on the ground here.

Anyway bought my wife, count them, 2, Boston Creme Dunkin Donuts this morning ... she LOVES those :loco:

i'll have to get something else later ...

do you guys partake in this nonsense?
and do men get anything? ... as I never do.
Bleh, society ropes a man in to this shit. It doesn't send a good message to shine it on completely. I simply bought an affordable bracelet from Zales, and we're going to a decent restaurant on the west side next Sunday. Going out to eat on this day is borderline idiotic. 2-3 hour waits, with reservations. You have to grease palms to get any expedited service. If you're with a woman who makes a big deal of this day, dump her STAT!
Thankfully the girl and I don't bother to celebrate it. She doesn't want anything, I don't want anything. So instead of blowing money on gifts we had awesome thai food followed by many beers.

EDIT - And she payed for everything. FTW
thats stupid :)
The valentine's day is only a holiday for ones who sell heart shaped chocolate and romantic cards.
you should talk about love more often that once a year...


Sweetest gift I have ever received. Each item represents a moment in our relationship. Fucking love V-Day. Girls are cute as shit.
Haha Plastic, that's pretty rad. My ex-girlfriend once made me a cutesy box full of various sentimental knick knacks. One portion was comprised of 365 fortune cookie paper sized notes on how grand a person I was. A year after splitting, I ran into her at a holiday Christmas party. She asked me about the box, I confided that it was next to a pile of banana peels in the Scholl Canyon Landfill. Hey, the shit was bigger than a Taito VLX joystick, and I'm not about to dust! :Smokedev:
Yes, I have a date with my lady love, Dr. Whisky. Usually I celebrate by using her and then trying to pick up on other women. It's a pretty dysfunctional relationship, and she usually kicks my ass in the morning. :Smug:
I should point out that in the yet continual trend of my life... I got two Valentine's gifts this year. Both from married women.