things i have observed today


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
Good things:

my new chair at work. it actually reclines backwards allowing me a maximum amount of immature playfulness rolling around on the wheels and reclining.

Dunkin Donuts hot chocolate loves me and i love it back.

I like my new responsibility of being the workstudy superviser in my office. I get to be a boss for once, albeit temporarily.


Taking a PTO day tomorrow to relax, work on music, and watch and tape the rerun of the Buffy musical on FX at 6

Alyson Hannigan(my future wife) guest starring on Angel tonight.

Bad Things:

The recent attack of sinus pressure which tends to give me problems when i try to sleep and makes my face feel congested during the day.

Not having enough time, motivation, or care to do my work.

The fact that I am still irritable and pissy for no real reason.

The smell of imminent war in the air.
i happened to stumble across some images of this Alyson Hannigan you speak of, about two seconds ago, and i can say your bad taste glands are non-existent, and/or completely atrophied.

this is my observation to your observations.
talking about war....what do you expect now that sure it'll happen? i mean, the consequences.
25% chance that it will be a horrible catastrophe
25% chance of an indecisive or indeterminate result, a new-but-the-same dictator, etc.
25% chance of a good result
25% chance of an awesome epoch-changing result leading to democratization and human rights-ization of the entire Middle East.
ecto i am unsure. what i am hoping is that bush won't be so abrasive with north korea because i am more concerned about them than iraq. if bush gives the order the hopefully we can get the job done in iraq quickly. i am praying this won't erupt into World War 3 or something.
I am really interested to see how the North Korean situation plays out. So far, I've been baffled by the UN reaction, which has been to shame and criticize the US for handing the matter off onto the Security Council. This is, of course, the exact opposite of the UN's no-unilateralist position on Iraq. I DON'T GET IT.
i dunno what OTAN and ONU are, but the UN was proved useless at Srebenica, and if you had any doubt then 800,000 dead Rwandans made the follow-up argument a little while later.
yeah. 8,000 dead under sight of the UN because they were paralyzed by politics. basically the same thing happened in rwanda on a larger scale (this time it was the United States who paralyzed the UN; if only someone had gone the unilateral route and violated "international law" then...)
xfer said:
ahh clever! but that leaves ONU. does ecto hate deep dish pizza?
NO ONE should be hating on the deep dish.

Incidentally, I am having some MADD cravings for summadat. St Louis is supposed to have a 'style' of pizza, but I have found it to basically be an $18 dollar piece of thin cardboard with some ketchup and dried up cheese.

not to trash-talk you chi-towners, but i dislike Uno's pizza about as much as I can possibly dislike pizza (which is not much. I still buy it and eat Uno's sometimes). the chunky, thick layer of sauce is totally disgusting.