things i have observed today

actually, i like the sauce on uno's with tomato chunks. i've even ordered a tomato pizza that has more chunks in it. but not all the chicago places do the sauce like that- most are like spaghettis sauce, and not as chunky.

also- the uno's in st louis is NOT like uno's in chicago- they even used the pizza paraphanalia incorrectly- the apparatus that was supposed to keep the pizza aloft and out of the grease so that the crust did not get soggy was UPSIDE DOWN and therefore ineffective. even i noticed this. CRAPTON.
not to take away from the serious discussion of war and the debate about chicago pizza but permit me a chance to bring the topic back around to Alyson Hannigan again:

my chicago roommate loves uno's and scowls at me when i dis it. it's extra-strange because he hates vegetables--famously, he won't eat at taco bell because "too many vegetables"--but he likes the superchunky sauce??
When I was 15, me and my friend and his dad went to see Dream Theater at the Birchill and they didn't let us in.
I cried on the way home, but then his dad took us to Pizzeria Uno and after a nice peperoni deep dish and dozens of free refills of muggs root beer, I felt better.

I haven't been there since.