Happy Valentine's Day!

Wow... ya know the fact that you continue to think you're being put down, darkblade, the harder people are going to be on you. Stop calling yourself a god damn newbie and just post. No one here really cares that much.

Secondly, Dead_Winter: Shut up.

I still love you though. <3
You're taking it a bit too seriously, there, DW. Newbie hazing is pretty harmless.

Yeah it is...and funny too. I'm just thinking in the abstract.

For all my ranting and raving and assholishness in general here, I'm really quite shy in person.

It's da innanets, I guess...
Aw, you're not assholish. But you did suck the fun out of this thread ;)

That's my job, dude. I am the Phil Anselmo to your Dimebag Darrell.

We both grew up around Nawlins'...coincidence?

Seriously though, I do suck the fun out of things...it's my duty. I'm a fucking Virgo, I can't help it. I'm so analytical...there's a reason "anal" is in "analytical". I can't watch any military movies, especially with tactical aircraft and shit because the entire film I'm like, "That's bullshit, that's bullshit, that Viper pilot wouldn't have the callsign Eagle, that maneuver is bullshit, that radio call is bullshit, his pilot talk is bullshit, etc."

Concerts? I've been to so many that I can't enjoy the shows anymore.

I'm just fucking bored these days. That's why I joined Skylab.
Originally Posted by Dead Winter
Danny Glover is an alter-ego of one of our fearless leaders. I'll leave it up to you to find out who it is.

i think the only mod i have come by so far is Will. soooooooo..... is it Will?
it really never gets old.

i think danny glver inside joke is hilarious. my friends and i normally direct our laughs at forrest whitacer.(spelling?)
I can't help but wonder what sk8terboi and Penguin would have had to say about this thread and the people posting in it.

Kevin, as a ph.D candidate in particle physics I believe the Beavis & Butthead movie represents the emergence of a new cultural paradigm.