HOLY FUCKING SHIT CARA. was is ALIVE??Happy Valentine's Day
From my womb to yours!
+1. to be fair to Harrison Ford. he is infallable. but Lucas and Shitburg have been pretty damn bad since...... well since the last indiana jones movie.Thats either going to be the worst, or best movie of all time.
oh, i thought it was spelled "who gives a fuck douchebag"and "Kuran" is spelled Qur'an
because that's the FUN of it!!yeah, everytime i see it it gets wose.. i didn't have a problem with it at first, but now..... it's hard to look at. stomach doesn't feel quite right. and why people keep reposting the pic, i have no idea.
hahah at first i thought you meant that you had also bought marijuana-smoking paraphenalia.*Follows Laura's lead*