Happy Varg


Kazrog, Inc.
Mar 6, 2002
The Norwegian prison system is letting Varg out in a few years, and the mayor of Bø, Norway wants to roll out the welcome mat for him.

Discuss. I personally am sickened by it.


"And that makes me a happy Varg"
Sickened? Why?

I'm personally amused that they're worried about him having trouble adjusting to the outside world... because you become a church-burning black metal god by being adjusted to the world around you...

Let's see, racist, murderer, arsonist, tried to escape in 2003, etc. WTF do they think they are doing? This guy wouldn't last for two seconds in the US legal system.

It's not that I don't sympathize with some aspects of Varg's story, or realize that he is the by-product of the negative aspects of Norwegian culture, but it doesn't justify what he's done, or giving him freedom.
Let's see, racist, murderer, arsonist, tried to escape in 2003, etc. WTF do they think they are doing? This guy wouldn't last for two seconds in the US legal system.

It's not that I don't sympathize with some aspects of Varg's story, or realize that he is the by-product of the negative aspects of Norwegian culture, but it doesn't justify what he's done, or giving him freedom.
I'm personally more sickened by the way his actions have "taught" others to think. I knew a copy cat dick who ended up in juvinile detention for arson because of his "study" of Varg.
Well yeah, Vikerners is an idiot in my book, but let's face it: he did some stupid shit fifteen years ago, but he's a lot older now and almost served his sentence. "I have learned from my mistakes and become older. Now I just want to be together with my family." If that's a sincere statement, then by all means, let the man get on with his life after the major fuckups he did. Oh shit, I sound like a hippie now.
Too bad the guy he killed will never have a chance to be older and learn from mistakes ...

or do anything else for that matter

Fuck this guy ... the fact that he's allowed to walk around town, write & record music, fuck his woman, blah blah ... its such bullshit. He hasn't learned anything because he hasn't actually been in a real prison. He's been in a fucking country club. If he had served this amount of time in a REAL prison, one that would treat him like the bastard he is, I might be more inclined to believe him. I know there is a lot of difference in how Europe views this stuff compared to us but I guess the baseline of the whole thing is, you do things as fucked up as he has, you give up your right to be a part of society ... any society. We're not talking about someone who killed their buddy by accident in a car crash or something because he was driving drunk. He knew what he was gonna do, he planned it out and executed someone. I'm not saying the other dude was a saint or whatever, I'm sure he was a stupid in some ways as Varg ... but I guess no one will ever know for sure since he was never given the chance to do good or bad to be judged fairly.

my $.02
but I guess no one will ever know for sure since he was never given the chance to do good or bad to be judged fairly.

Actually, Euronymous (or Øystein Aarseth) had plenty of time and chances to be judged fairly. "Aarseth was a practitioner of theistic Satanism and also a proponent of violence, totalitarianism and state terrorism -- he was an ardent proponent of sodomy, rape and murder simply because they were "evil" acts".

Of course I'm not saying this to make Vikernes' actions seem any more fair or acceptable, but IMHO Vikernes and Aarseth were both pretty much of the same, rotten origin.
Actually, Euronymous (or Øystein Aarseth) had plenty of time and chances to be judged fairly. "Aarseth was a practitioner of theistic Satanism and also a proponent of violence, totalitarianism and state terrorism -- he was an ardent proponent of sodomy, rape and murder simply because they were "evil" acts".

Of course I'm not saying this to make Vikernes' actions seem any more fair or acceptable, but IMHO Vikernes and Aarseth were both pretty much of the same, rotten origin.

Ok I can accept that, and again, like I had said I don't think the guy was a saint or completely innocent of being an asshole. The point I was trying to make is talking like an asshole and believing in asshole things still doesn't make it right for someone to kill you and go on living a somewhat productive life. Aside from the possibility of some arson (not sure of his criminal history), what actions did Øystein actually do to enforce his beliefs in things such as rape and murder and all?
Ok I can accept that, and again, like I had said I don't think the guy was a saint or completely innocent of being an asshole. The point I was trying to make is talking like an asshole and believing in asshole things still doesn't make it right for someone to kill you and go on living a somewhat productive life. Aside from the possibility of some arson (not sure of his criminal history), what actions did Øystein actually do to enforce his beliefs in things such as rape and murder and all?

AFAIK he didn't do anything notable, but as a black metal frontman he has influenced stupid kids (like the one Nebulous mentioned) with his almost proganda-like statements and beliefs. My point being, when two or more people with pro-murder/pro-violence/pro-stupidity mindsets clash, one of them is bound to get stabbed. I still think it's wrong and I can by no means justify Viekernes' actions, but on some level I'm just glad he didn't kill a normal, working family guy instead of a fascist dipshit, if you know what I mean.
Viking, I know what you mean about him deserving punishment for his actions and all, but at the same time I think there's something to be said for the fact that prison is meant to rehabilitate people, not make them suffer (although you could be forgiven for thinking that the way our US prison system seems to work).
yeah it was the typical stupid black metal guy.
I don't know if you ever heard of that italian satanist "sect" called "Le bestie di satana" (the satan's beast) well a bunch of stupid guys that in their teenage hood killed several guys just because they believe a stupid god (satan in this case) and abused drugs.
And there were no real reason for doing that, just because for them it seemed "cool".
Here in milan we knew those people but we didn't know what they did when they were in their own... I remember my guitar teacher telling me he waited all the night to meet a friend of his and discovering years later (when these people has been arrested) that his friend wasn't missing (as all people thought) but actually he was killed by those bastards in a very brutal way as police said.
What would you do to persons like these? let 'em live ? or lock them in a prison for life?
Bah kinda disappointed Varg had just 21 years... and now discounted to 15? bah
Viking, I know what you mean about him deserving punishment for his actions and all, but at the same time I think there's something to be said for the fact that prison is meant to rehabilitate people, not make them suffer (although you could be forgiven for thinking that the way our US prison system seems to work).

True but at the same time, the key word as you said is "rehabilitate" ... that would suggest that he has been forced to self-reflect and see the error in his ways by realizing what he has taken and what has been taken from him. I just don't see how he could place much more value on what has been taken from him while in prison, if not all that much actually HAS been taken from him. He's pretty much been able to continue doing the things that by all rights he should have forfeited by commiting murder. If I was a kid and my parents grounded me for something ...they took away the games, the tv, not letting me go outside ... the usual stuff. If I got grounded and none of that stuff was taken away from me ... where's the punishment? Would I really feel all that bad about what it is I had done to get grounded in the 1st place?

I'm not saying this applies to everyone, just saying that I do believe there are times when people should really stop being concerned about a convicted killer's rights, happiness and comforts. It just doesn't seem balanced to me but hey, its all opinions
What I love most is everyone's opinion that Varg is a bastard and isn't getting what he "deserves." However, what a LOT of people fail to realize, and mention, are the threats that Euronymous made towards Varg in the first place. Granted, Euronymous' threats were just words while Varg actually did something...the point is that Euronymous isn't 100% a "victim" here. I feel that he has served his time and everyone should just get off his case. Regardless of whether or not someone agrees with it is meaningless, because Norway's legal system thinks 21 years is plenty for what he did so no amount of disgust from the public is going to change anything.

i bet someone will come along and kill him when he finally does get out for good.

but then that may cause a kvlt black metal "civil war". i could see it happening with the way all those guys are that take their shit way too seriously.

maybe something good will come out of it, who knows?
Maybe half the Norweigians (sp?) I've met have been openly racist, hateful people. I'm not saying they are all like that, but as sick as this issue is, it really doesn't surprise me that something like this is okay there.

As disgusted as I am with the American way of doing things, it doesn't seem so bad after hearing this.