Hard rock mix crit


Mar 3, 2015
Hey fellas

Would really appretiate your crit on this mix I did, balance, energy etc. For now it's without vocals. Soundcloud squashed it a little when converting to 128kbs, but it's almost as the original.

I'm hoping to become a good producer, and I need your advice :)

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here's another I did for same band, this one includes vocals

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Sounds good but I think it is a bit too smash and the snare has zero transients. The guitars are podfarm right? What kind of processing did you do? They sound pretty smooth I like them, but maybe theyre a tiny bit too loud.
Thanks Habsburgs. Can you please explain what do you mean with no transients on the snare?
You are right, guitars are PodFarm :) There is PodFarm into a compressor, with a c4 compressor on groupbus only for lowend, then a series of different eq's to shape sound the way I wanted it. I have a dip at 500hz on the guitartracks to get away some boomyness (esp for bad speakers) then a sharp dip at around 4khz to remove a hiss, and more or less a high shelf at around 4khz. HP at 80 hz and LP around 12khz