Hard Rock - With a bit of djent


New Metal Member
Sep 30, 2007
London, UK
Hi guys, how's it going?

I'm working on this band's new EP and so far im quite happy with the results.

This is an mp3 of the rough mix (no compression, eq, effects) just level and pan, as it left the studio basicly. Only the master bus has some comp/limit so that i could show the band.

Wanted to see what you guys think of my tracking so far!

Note - i tracked everything but the vocals, they are still from the guide tracks, the singer was sick so we still have to do them, and add harmonies etc.

Anyways, here it is!

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3466699/drag me under 23_03_11.mp3

Daniel R
We used an engl savage special edition for rhythm distortion and cleans. Then an engl invader for leads/crunch i think. Don't recall exactly but its 80% savage and 20%invader overall. Through an engl 4x12 with v60 (maybe) and 2 mics, 57 and 414.

Oh and the guitar used for all the distortion was a prs mark tremonti sig. And the cleans (pretty sure all of them, but maybe the prs had some) were done with a modded epiphone les paul