Need some ears on a Drop A Mix!

sounds sick. i really like the vocals. are they double tracked at some points?
and yeah if thats podfarm, you did good. ill be looking for that reamp, it sounds real sick so far.
what amp and all that did you use on podfarm?
also eric the snare still sounds weird, it almost reminds me of a snare that has the head as lose as possible and just has all the tone sucked out of it.

if you did compress the snare, i think i would lighten it up that might help, also at least to me it sounds like the mids are sucked out of it. im not sure what you did to make it come out sounding like that, but i strongly dislike the tone of it.
haha yea i dont know why that snare is sounding so weird. im definitely gonna work on it after i do the reamps. but yeah, its just pod farm. diamond plate with the treadplate 412 cab, compressor (lightly used in pod farm) and a tube screamer. Just a good bit of post EQ in cubase. Vocals were also double tracked! Thanks guys