Need Some Fresh ears for my METAL Mix!


New Metal Member
Jul 9, 2010
Heyo, :wave: i just recorded and mixed that stuff, real drums, pod farm guitarz and bass.

My Mix 19.11.10

And my ears kinda lost the ability to catch the overall sounding, so i found this forum can help me !
please let me know what you think, I expect all kinds of responses!

Thank You! :Smokedev:
Liking the tune!

But im not too keen on the drums but thats just my taste i guess.
The snare just dont cut it for me.
its the kit, it sounds realy programmed and the snare sample isnt very nice, and i would say track each guitar track again because the guitars sound thin, sounds like youve used a vst for the guitar tone, try balancing it by re tracking all the guitars again using real amps mic'd and then use thm aswel as your digital guitars, the digital guitars will give you the nice scrathcy high definition and then the real amps should give you the presence and thicken the overall tone
To me, the guitars are tooooo loud.
Drums sound like they have too much reverb, and the snare is lacking of power.
The whole mix is clipping...
Nicely done with the kick tho :)
so: gtrs down, bass up, and do sth with the snare. Maybe try using transient designer? Also, overheads sound a bit too mono.