Hardcore Bass Booms (how do you make them?)

Mar 18, 2008
I tried searching through past threads to find one on this, but I didnt have any luck. I feel a bit embarassed for asking, but I keep getting requests from bands to put these in their songs. Im talking about the low frequency boom that some bands put at the start of some of their breakdowns.

Im curious how you would go about making one and mixing one into the song. I've tried manipulating bass guitar sounds and kick drum sounds, as well as browsed sounds on keyboards and havent had any luck getting the correct attack and decay characteristics. Also, how do you mix them so that they are present, yet dont steal from the higher frequencies when compressed during mastering.
google "subkick samples" plenty of them out there, or you could throw a noise gate on a tone generator and sidechain the kick
put a multi band on the 2 bus and make sure it only compresses the frequency range of the sub drop, and only compresses when the sub drop hits
also put a multi band on the sub drops channel strip aswell using the same method
The method we've found to work best is to just generate a small snippet of 44Hz tone, then bus it to a sidechaining gate on the master. Gives you that whole "wiped out mix" effect without affecting anything else you may have going on.
808, bitcrusher, kick that sounds good, plus sub boost or another sample. Listen to Paramore's crushcrushcrush, you'll hear that shit.
You can even take a good sample of a floor tom, roll off most everything above the low-mids (or even lower), and use a tiny Q setting with an EQ to boost somewhere around 45Hz or so. Honestly, I would bet that with almost any good lower-tuned drum sample of a kick of tom, you could make a pretty good sub-drop with just EQ (extreme EQing, nonetheless), and then compression to control it in the mix.