VSTi filters and how to use them live.

Jun 2, 2005
Okay, another small problem i cant seem to solve... i'll try and explain.

Here's the deal, in nuendo, i have a WAV file to which i added a filter.. tonic 4 from steinberg to be precise.
Now the filter has a really, really cool effect as you twist the "cutoff" button it morphs the wav file.
All is cool so far, however.. i want to do this "live"... see im morphing the WAV file while the song plays in the background, i really want to add the WAV file with the morhping im doing in the plugin on the spot, however.. how do i do that?

I tried routing it through MIDI.. it sorta works, but i have to fill in MIDI notes one by one and it sounds fake as hell as you can only create MIDI notes one by one, meaning you can hear a gap here and there and it's nowhere as smooth when i do it in the plugin.

anyone have any clue here? can i just record the plugin altering the WAV file WHILE i alter it live in the plugin?

maybe I am misunderstanding, but, can't you write some automation for it? Just click the W button at the top, play the song, do what you do with the knob(s), then un-click the W and click the R, and you should be all set?
[UEAK]Clowd;7556119 said:
maybe I am misunderstanding, but, can't you write some automation for it? Just click the W button at the top, play the song, do what you do with the knob(s), then un-click the W and click the R, and you should be all set?

Oh for fucks sake!

As simple as that eh? haha.. cheers mate, completely missed that and it works very well! :lol:

Awesome, I'm glad I could help you out in return for you hooking up the drum samples and stuff in your thread a little while back!
Only appears if you're a Moderator I'm afraid Robert. Now I'm confused, your old job involved lube, and you being a fluffer, but it was with school kids, not hairy midgets. What's the difference here? Are you now cleaning for a Hairy Midget brothel or what? And are you doing it purely for a staff discount?
Only appears if you're a Moderator I'm afraid Robert. Now I'm confused, your old job involved lube, and you being a fluffer, but it was with school kids, not hairy midgets. What's the difference here? Are you now cleaning for a Hairy Midget brothel or what? And are you doing it purely for a staff discount?

Get the fuck outta hee!

Big one throws a good punch.. little one.. not so much, however! he does a mean shuffle with his arms.

This thread is gone bad.. damn it Stee and Kev!
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