Hardcore mix advice needed please!

I think it's a good song, i'd just change the vox for a more like... manly voice, but that's just me i hate the "ow mother i'm fat i hate myself" screams, that would make it outstanding. For me. So you used your monitors anyway? or headphones?
Haha, we're not a tough guy mosh band but fair comment anyway. His voice gave out a little early in the session so I had to add a little distortion to his voice to add some grit.

And yeah, some NS10 rip offs but they have no low end so I cut everything below 50 Hz, so don't have much idea how they translate to other speakers.
i'd say get those fixed and keep rockin' man =) i've heard they're really good for mixing, and you're already doing it well, if i were you, i'd do that. (i can't use monitors :( fucking neighbours i mix at night only :'[ )
nice song!!
I would use hats instead of the ride for first up time part.
Imo you chose the wrong way for the mix.
Its too clean and soft.

the song has such a great vibe a mix ala kurt balou would fit percectly.

cheers and keep up the good work
I think it's pretty much perfect. And I have to disagree on this one with gabriel because I don't think it's too soft! Awesome song! Could be a little more dirty though.

btw.: Gabriel, just got the ASP 008 :) Awesome unit! :)
the song has such a great vibe a mix ala kurt balou would fit percectly.

I know what you mean man, ideally I'd want everything I ever do to sound like his work on 'Witness' by Modern Life Is War. Unfortunately I'm stuck with programmed drums and mixing in the box until I can afford otherwise :bah:
I know what you mean man, ideally I'd want everything I ever do to sound like his work on 'Witness' by Modern Life Is War. Unfortunately I'm stuck with programmed drums and mixing in the box until I can afford otherwise :bah:

try to blend in more room-mic.
compress them hard.
then build your drumsound around it.

but you have to program the drums very dynamic, otherwise it wont work.

realy like the song!!!
Yeah, no problem with the song itself... but those vocals were painful to listen to... unfortunately.
I tottally dig this song man, reminds me of more than life!!

id try and make the bass a tad more twangy imo. and bring the kick down a tad.