Melodic hardcore cover


Oct 29, 2009
Milton Keynes
Covered a UK band called More Than Life for a uni project and got a friend to do vocals.

I've only done a first mix and I'd REALLY appreciate some feedback and advice, I know the bass is a little high though. Than Life - Fear Cover Mix 1.mp3

Drums are mix of SD2 and the snare is a Slate.

Bass is a Fender Aerodyne with fresh strings ging through POD Farm

Guitars are quadtracked Epiphone Les Paul going through a Peavey 6505 and Hughes and Kettner Trilogy into a Valveking 4x12, mic'd with a beta 57.

Vocals are Neuman U87
Fear what a fucking song man, bring the guitar in the right up and for this genre i think you can get a way with the bass being out more than nornal, maybe autiomate as in places its there and in others its not!

Other than that good mix man. everything is clear and nice tracked.