Hardcore mix.

The mix is really done well. Levels seem to be perfect for my personal preference, however the guitars seem a little muddy to me. Maybe a boost in some higher frequencies?
Great job so far! I think everything sounds good, and the levels are pretty much right on. If this was my band, I'd ask you to turn the guitars down 1db and the vocals up 1 db. Seems like the guitars are masking the vocals too much for my taste.

It almost sounds like the guitars are distorting (not in the intended way) a bit. Are they compressed/limited or do they have any tape saturation or any post distortion? It could just be that they were tracked with more gain than I prefer. Seems like the "less gain, more mids" rule of tracking would apply. Perhaps any double tracks could be dropped a touch to make the guitars sound a little cleaner. But again, I'm knit picking, it's really a great mix.
Thanks for the replies....This is the first aproach to the this mix...I dont have any comp and limiter in guitar bus....only surgical eq. Hp/lp and some cuts. Guitars was dual rectifier on L and 5150 on R with sm 57 and audix i5, blended. With a touch o Ts Custom.
Funny, I use those same two mics on my 4X12. I find that the i5 does much better in the higher frequencies than the 57. I use it centered on the dust cap. Everything is clear, cuts, and doesn't sound "fuzzy" or have that annoying spike at 2.5k that the 57 has. However, I've found that the 57 sounds really great halfway between the cap and the edge, great warmth and body. I typically put both mics on axis about 2"-3" away from the grill cloth.

Here's a mix I did with this method: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/21732450/Strength To Stand_Strength To Stand.mp3

Signal chain is ltd M-1000>Graphic EQ>TS808>ISP Decimator>Mesa DC-5>B-52 4X12>Quad tracked with the above mic configuration.

What's your method for micing up your guitars?
This was my first recording using the i5. 57 on Cap and i5 45° on dustcap in phase at 1 or 2" to the grill....
My signal chain in this was:
L gibson les paul>ts custom>dual rect>marshall v30
R gibson sg>ts custom>5150>marshall v30.
Yes i the snare is a bit high...i will see tomorrow the eq on guitars but i can remember that i have only a eq with hp/lp and some notch cut at 220, at 800 and a 6500.