Hardcore/Punk mix.

Thank you very much for the comments! Especially about the guitars. I'll pull the guitars up a little bit. (I also left them a bit quiet because they usually get a bit louder in mastering, but I guess I lowered them too much). I'm just afraid that they will be too loud...

I know about the snare... The sound is mainly the original snare and the drummer hits really hard and consistent, but there is a bit of sample used also. The guys in the band & me are really happy with the drums though and we wanted those fills to be very clear. I will propably automate the triggered snare track and remove the samples on those snare fills.
Amps were
1 & 2 :Engl Blackmore -> Marshall 4x12 bottom cab with classic lead elements.
3 & 4: ts9 -> 5150 -> 5150 slant cab with v-30's.

CJ: I think you might be correct about the kick. I'll have to check that.
it´s perfect!!!

I listen to alot of hardcore because metal became realy adynamic to me
(personal opinion)

This is real hardcore agression. When I listen to the song I see people kicking each other faces ;) a real pit song

And this is what a hardcore song should do!!!!!!!

Thanks you made my day:kickass: