Harmonizing Dilemma - Need Some Input


Nov 2, 2009
Philly USA
Hey guys, I'm really hesitant for anyone to listen to this yet as it's work in progress, but need some help with a harmonizing dilemma. Please excuse the quality of these clips, I haven't started to actually mix yet, this is just so I can get the DI's ready for reamp. Excuse the cheesy keyboard too, that's a work in process. Also, it's just running through the revalver demo, so the little silence cutout happens a couple times. Man, that's alot of excusing..lol

We're messing with having some parts in this riff harmonized. It's the beginning verse to one of our songs. Both versions have the end lick harmonized, the second version though has the entire blast beat harmonized. I want to get some opinions as to whether or not having the blast beat harmonized sounds ok though as that's what we were leaning towards doing. Honest opinions and criticism are welcomed.

Regular Version:


Blast Beat Harmonized:


This has a similar structure to the Still Remains song Kelsey (First half of riff non harmonized, second half is). However, their harmonizing doesn't seem to stick out like a sore thumb and seems smoother. It's there, but it's more subtle. I'm trying to figure out how the hell they have it layered. When I listen to just one headphone, I can hear both the regular riff and harmony clearly in each side. Which I think means they have it quad layered like this:

GTR1A - 100 Left
GTR2A (Harmony) - 70-100 Left
GTR1B - 100 Right
GTR2B (Harmony) - 70-100 Right

I always thought you'd want to keep both of Guitar 1 tracks to the left and both Guitar 2 (Harmony) tracks to the right. Or is it possible they have the regular riff quad tracked and the harmony on a 5th and 6th track? Any ideas?

I've attached a clip of that section of the song below.

I've noticed that some bands who quad track automate the panning of their harmonies so each part comes through a different speaker; eg. both low harmonies through left: 1 @ 100%, 1 at 80% and both high harmonies right at the same percentages.
LOL, believe me, I agree.

The problem is I have 2 guitarists and a drummer who feel otherwise. Which is why I wanted some outside opinions on it. Guess this is one of the downsides to the producer being a band member. If If I was one of the bigwigs and told them that, they'd listen. Since I'm just another band member, I'm just outnumbered. :cry:
We're a metalcore band, and all have a good chunk of common influences, none of them being atreyu. We used to like them, before lead sails.
I figured you played metalcore. And I also used to like them before Lead Sails, haha. Just tell them it sounds like the new Atreyu. I don't know man, harmonizing should be used reasonably and in certain parts and this sounds totally like they are abusing the technique, I would tell them that.