Harvest Strumming


Oct 18, 2004
Hey I want to know how to strum the song Harvest. I went to taborama and there are two versions of the song. Fullyhardened punk tabbed one, and taborama staff the other. One of them had the tab where all six strings were strummed at once. The other was like three strings , then another 3. I can not open powertabs or other programs. I want to use one of these two tabs, the more accurate of the two is preferred. The site is www.taborama.com. Just let me know which of the two is more accurate. Thanks.
The one I use is the one by fullyhardenedpunk. All of his tabs are extremely accurate.

BTW, are you using a mac?
You need like a special program for them to open. Not winzip but something similar. Anyways they wouldn't work. I hear Macs are the best way to go nowdays. Very hard to hack into and hardly any viruses to worry about, unlike windows.
Dude, I swear you must hold the forum record for most threads started.

Anyhoo, the reason you can't open the tabs at http://www.powertabs.net is because you need the program, which you can download at http://www.power-tab.net/ Use that to open the tabs you download (after unzipping them w/ Winzip...or you can register to download unzipped files). They really are the best tabs on the net.
The fullyhardenedpunk guy would be the most accurate, but it still isn't very acurate. Strumming is easy, just follow the song by listending, but I'd recommend watching the Lamentations DVD for complete acuracy; that or any other bootleg of Harvest.