Has any one lost respect for Nile, Behemoth, Amon Amarth etc?!?

Thing is, sometimes you've listenened to a band's classic work on a daily-to-monthly basis since the shit was released 20 years ago, and then it's good to get something new, even if it is, frankly, a step down.

The new Unanimated still sucks, though (based on myspace samples :\ ).
There's way too much activity from the drumming sector on it though, gets confusing. The guitars get complete lost in a flurry of drums and nergal's barking.

First couple of tracks were a real mess. The session must have gotten funded by the drummers dad, as the kit is real upfront in the mix.
"Evangelion", the ninth full-length studio album from Polish extreme metallers BEHEMOTH, sold 8,500 copies in the United States in its first week of release to debut at position No. 56 on The Billboard 200 chart.

"Evangelion" first-week chart positions:

Poland: #2
Finland: #17
Austria: #45
USA: #56
Germany: #59
Switzerland: #88
Netherlands: #5 (Indie Charts)

Commented guitarist/vocalist Adam "Nergal" Darski: "Well... we have never been in this band for awards or charts. It's always been about the most honest music we can deliver. But I can't ignore the fact that people DO appreciate our new album. Thank you so much for buying the record and voting for us! It's sooo much motivating! We owe you! See you all on European tour very soon. You will not be disappointed! "

Whoring yourself out to the lip loop kiddies pays dividends.

I do enjoy this video however for the skinamatic experience. The chosen song also happens to be the highlight of their latest.

Uncensored for tits-o-plenty

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Some Cunt said:
Apparently at the Tulsa, OK stop of Nile’s current (MetalSucks co-sponsored) tour with Immolation, Krisiun, and Dreaming Dead, there was a last-minute line-up change, and Rose Funeral were announced as the new show openers. A group of concert goers, at least one of whom is said to be all of seventeen years old, decided to play a game of Uno near the stage in protest.

Now, let’s stop right here for a second: yes, playing a card game while the band is performing, within the band’s eye sight, is a dick move. Whether or not it’s any ruder than actual heckling is up for debate. Regardless, it doesn’t justify what allegedly happened next.

I wasn’t there (obviously), so now I’m just going to re-print the first hand account of reader Michael Booher:

“We played two and half games. At first Rose Funeral didn’t seem to care, but then before their last song I heard the vocalist [Tim Russel] say “What is this shit?!” and they just continued on with their totally sweet breakdowns. After they were done I put the Uno deck up and the guitarist [Ryan Gardner] touched Ronnie’s shoulder and said, ‘Hey are you the guy that was talking shit on YouTube?’ [We're also not clear what this is a reference to, but it's worth noting that Ronnie is apparently seventeen years old. - Ed.]

“Ronnie: ‘No, that would be him,’ and he pointed at me.

“Me: ‘Yeah it was me, what’s up?’

“Rose Funeral drummer [Dusty Boles]: ‘Let’s go outside!’

“Me: ‘No, I want to see these GOOD bands first.’

“Rose Funeral guitarist: ‘No, let’s go, NOW.’

“Me: ‘No, I want to see these GOOD bands first.’”

At this point the guitarist apparently spit in Michael’s face; Michael, in turn spit back. Then:

“Dusty Boles: ‘Let’s go outside.’ [At which point Boles is said to have removed his shirt. - Ed.]

“Rose Funeral bassist [Dale Hammond]: ‘Hey, is that the guy?’

“At about this time a guy who works at the venue got in-between us. So it came as a surprise when I got hit in the back of the head. It made me take a step forward and then I ended up in some pussy headlock that I got out of way too easily. I didn’t know this at the time, but Rose Funeral’s merch guy was the one who hit me in the head, and the guitarist is the one that got me in a headlock.”

Right around this time venue security apparently got involved, separating Michael and his friends from the band and instructing the concert-goers to be careful about wandering the venue alone, lest they get jumped by the members of Rose Funeral. The evening continued without incident until:

“I start walking back to the front, just in time to see Ronnie get hit by someone. [Dusty Boles] was choking him and BJ pulled him off. I don’t know who hit him, but I only saw the guitarist so I started walking towards him again, only to have the guys working [at the venue] get in my way again. Ronnie said he didn’t do anything, he just started getting hit and every time he turned around to see who hit him, he got hit in the back of the head again by someone else. A guy working [at the venue] took Ronnie outside and some other guys took the guitarist and drummer outside. I followed, thinking they were just going to let them kick Ronnie’s ass ,but it ended up being a few guys talking to Rose Funeral, a few talking to Ronnie, so I went back inside and laughed with my friends. After about fifteen minutes, Dreaming Dead had set up, and Ronnie wasn’t back. I found the [venue employee] who grabbed my arm and dragged me away and asked him what was going on. He said ‘This makes me fucking sick, I hate that it happened, but your friend got kicked out. The tour manager wants him gone, there’s nothing I can do.’ WHAT THE FUCK! Ronnie gets hit for no fucking reason and HE GETS KICKED THE FUCK OUT?!”

Now Michael is obviously coming from a biased place and never liked Rose Funeral in the first place, but, again, that’s beside the point; the point is whether or not the band attacked a seventeen year old kid and his friends.

did any of these people who are supposedly offended and filing suits actually attend the show in question and witness this 'desecration' of which he is accused?

my money would be on NO
According to reports in the Polish media, guitarist/vocalist Adam "Nergal" Darski of Polish extreme metallers BEHEMOTH was rushed to the Gdansk Medical University Hospital to receive treatment for an undisclosed illness. Jaroslaw Burdek, manager of Darski's girlfriend, 26-year-old Polish pop singer Doda (real name: Dorota Rabczewska), reportedly said that Nergal had been ill for several days.

It was reported by Se.pl that Darski was taken to the hematology branch of the Gdansk Medical University Hospital, although this has not yet been official confirmed.

Hematology, also spelled haematology, is the branch of internal medicine, physiology, pathology, clinical laboratory work, and pediatrics that is concerned with the study of blood, the blood-forming organs, and blood diseases.

An official statement regarding Darski's condition is expected to be issued tomorrow (Monday, August 9).

Latest reports state the lad may have leukemia.


Good Heavens! He lived a full life!
I asked my wife about this broad, her being Polish and all. She told me she banged pretty much everyone that is half ass famous in Poland.
She does have a pretty big time music career on her own it seems.
that last Slayer record ... holy shit. just revisited it this week in the car ... what suckage. what was i thinking.
New song from Behemoth, vid features pre-pubescent teats donning huge aeriolas. (Produced by Rob Darken?) There is another chick in vid with worthwhile teats though. Aside from that the music is sub-par and not really memorable, which is expected from FiveHead and Co. His vocals are pretty damn grating actually. :erk:

Recommendation- Hire some fione ass bints worthy of a hip hop vid if ye continue to churn out such drivel.

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I actually dig what Behemoth is doing, which seems to be presenting a complete artistic vision, rather than merely a musical one. Granted, cross-pollinating sex, religion and horror isn't exactly new. But they have managed to make it their own. Plus... they're one of the best live bands I've ever seen.