Has anybody heard the band Amoral?


Mar 1, 2004
I've heard the 2014 disc and this band is incredible! Very progressive, aggressive, with acoustic textures, blast beats, awesome clean vocals, grunts etc...
My question is, are the older discs as good and similar in style to the new one? I plan on picking up everything they have out, just need a few leads on where to start!
It's very good. It's got Ari Koivunen on vox, a few death vox on a couple songs, blast beats on one song but with melodic singing on top. It's actually more of a melodic metal disc with some prog thrown in here and there. Solid melodies and good singing.

Definitely worth checking out.

Glenn, your earlier post was the reason why I checked this band out. Once again, thanks!
I was looking on specific info on the earlier cd's. Its been a very metal 1st quarter of 2014. Here's hoping for more!