Has Anyone Ever Used Cover Midi Songs For Grooves or Fills?

Dec 16, 2010
If you are a one-man songwriter like I am, and you play guitar/bass/keys, but not necessarily drums, it can be frustrating. You program a drum part using your keyboard (first kick and snare, then rides or high hats, then crashes) The problem is, your drummer comes along and say's, "dude, you got the ride, cymbal crash, and snare, and 2 floor toms all ON ONE HIT!! I only have two hands!!!".
Sound familiar?
So you clean that up by going through the event list and deleting some instruments.

Also, I have two elements I can pull out of my tool bag to come up with fills/grooves.....

....Slam Tracks is an online midi drum track loop provider that works great and is only $10.

....Also, I have a bunch of midi and kar files of cover songs (Led Zep, Black Sabbath, RHC Peppers, even Big Band stuff) and copy and paste a few meas in my song for fills and grooves. The Vanbasco website is good for some of these files.
Hope this helps.
I see you use the Alesis Trigger I/O. So do I. I have a drummer that comes in and lays down tracks, but he overplays a little, so there is alot of editing (quantizing, deleting unwanted ghost notes, or just cutting out parts that don't work), Sometjmes the "storyboard" drum parts I provide from him are better than what he lays down, because they are simple, and somtimes simplier is better!
I just sold the Trigger IO, it is a wery cheap unit it did the job for me when the setting where ok,but it`s far from perfect:) ghost notes apear all the time you have to deal with them... nowadays i record with mics and trigger through mic pres, lots of editing on real tracked drums to so no big deal...
I agree with you sometimes simplier it`s better...but if you work with bands it became an ego thing to track real drums and they don`t like if i say i want to program the drums for you guys:)