Has anyone noticed..........


Sep 10, 2002
A stranger in a strange land!
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Has anyone noticed how many hits the threads are getting now? 1,000+, 2,000+. This is unheard of! Where have all these people come from?! Not that I am complaining of course! Maybe Saxon are well and truly on the come back, lets hope so anyway! All it needs now is for the boys to release a cracking studio album, and then world domination is ours!
I also noticed the enormous numbers of hits to our threads recently....Honestly,I don't believe in those numbers..

Hey Black Lagoon and Paxoman..are your posting numbers faked as well??? :)
They are terribly high as well....:)


Lagoon - Yeah I've noticed some new names posting on the board, which is great. But as you say, it's still mostly the same old people posting! Come on all you newbies, get posting! No one will think what you say is silly, christ we've put up with Crusader for long enough! :lol:

Karsten - Me and Lagoon are Civil Servants, so we have nothing better to do then post messages all day! :lol:

Fingers - Yeah headlining Brixton would be great, maybe with Judas Priest supporting?!! Then Saxons roadies can f**k about testing the lights whilst JP are on stage!
Oh...well, looking at the numbers of postings from you both I already thought in this direction....-)

AC/DC just announced a show here in Munich june 17th in an cool and extra small circus setting...tickets go on sale tomorrow at noon at the box office of the circus...


I second that Pax I agree.:)

Paxoman said:
Has anyone noticed how many hits the threads are getting now? 1,000+, 2,000+. This is unheard of! Where have all these people come from?! Not that I am complaining of course! Maybe Saxon are well and truly on the come back, lets hope so anyway! All it needs now is for the boys to release a cracking studio album, and then world domination is ours!
Paxoman said:
All it needs now is for the boys to release a cracking studio album, and then world domination is ours!

The Saxon Regime!

Paxoman said:
Come on all you newbies, get posting! No one will think what you say is silly, christ we've put up with Crusader for long enough!

I rest my case. :loco:
Paxoman said:
Fingers - Yeah headlining Brixton would be great, maybe with Judas Priest supporting?!! Then Saxons roadies can f**k about testing the lights whilst JP are on stage!

I hope thats a joke. No matter how small JP may be now, they should never have to open for anyone. Glens ego is too huge for that anyway...
The_Metallian said:
I hope thats a joke. No matter how small JP may be now, they should never have to open for anyone. Glens ego is too huge for that anyway...

Yes it was a joke, chill out mate! JP roadies were testing the lights whilst Saxon were onstage when Saxon supported JP at Brixton. That's all I was getting at!

Hmmm spider bots eh? I'm not sure I understand all that but it seems like world domination might be beyond us after all! :lol: