Has anyone ordered the prints from Travis Smith?


Lord Of Chaos
Feb 17, 2002
New Jersey USA
Visit site
I was thinking about ordering a print from him to put up in a frame somewhere in my house. I really enjoy his art. It would probably be something from the DNB sessions. I was just wondering if anyone else has thought about this?

P.S. Its STILL fucking raining in NJ. Im bored out of my mind, thats why Im posting so much today. I think we have seen the sun once in two weeks and I am going crazy out of my damn skull.
Yeah, Ive always been interested in buying one of his pieces. I emailed him a couple of times about prices and how to actually buy one but no reply.

Hope something can be sorted out soon.
Hey Crown, I dont know when you were at his site last, but there is something there about ordering prints. I dont know if its an order form or if you have to contact him directly but check it out. I might order one next week if possible. Good luck and let me know how it turns out.
Hey guys....i have an explination. I have not been able to mass produce prints in affordable manner and have had to do some custom ones before at a friend's place who charges me for the supplies. Also, i have to give a bit to the label that owns the art, and pay for shipping (insured fedex is like $20.00). I don't like charging so much so I put them on hold until i can find better means. and i am exploring a few ways if time allows to mage them and only charge my costs. Anyway, i was saving the emails util i could find an option but no luck. And i lost track of time and some of the mails were not replied to, and i apologize. the will be replied to. Also for a time there was a problem with a direct email through my site and some I never received. i changed that to only use my direct email address which is seempieces@mindspring.com, if you need to contact me. I apologize for this, so that's what's up.