Has anyone tried contacting Scott about spreading the promo?


May 12, 2002
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I suppose that Scott should be able to tell if they would want us to be spreading the new CD promo or not, has anyone asked him in an email lately?
ask the man. Charlie stated in his little letter to us all to please not down load the album. I am unshure about the promo, Do they want us to get it out? Or just sit and be cool. Your guess is as good as mine
Well, Buddy said he asked Charlie but hasn't gotten an answer yet.

But I honestly don't know what the band expected, releasing a promo in Europe. Obviously it would get here eventually. But I think it's more like Charlie meant don't download the whole entire album after April 1, because he mentioned the artwork and shit, which no one would really care about on a promo. That's just my opinion though.
I wouldnt think of downloading the thtax albums! unless its rare tracks where I cant find them. i`m about to buy all the albums on cd. seing I have some on cassette (woah, remember those!) and I got the first releases of volume 8 and Sound of white noise. I really want the re issues with the B-tracks. means I would have 3 copies of SOWN! lol
On cds people have given me after they downloaded them, I've went out and bought the cds also. I like hearing it early, but I'm still going to buy the album, I don't care that it costs money to buy it and I got it free. It's about supporting the band. After I buy the album, I GIVE away the copy I have to hopefully entice more people to listen to it, and I got it free. The artist put forth the work, if I sell it, I'm taking credit for what they did. And that's bs.