Has everyone read Mark's announcement about UM?

Ian 'E' Edwards

If you haven't, here it is:

"Important Announcement For All UM Users by Mark (June 7th, 2002 until July 8th, 2002)
Hi all,

You're probably getting sick of seeing these pleas for donations to help keep Ultimate Metal running, and we're working on ways of generating extra revenue from the site without affecting you, the user, at the same time (at least not in a bad way!), but until those details are ironed out - we need your help!

As it stands now, the site is becoming to expensive to pay for myself (the UM kitty has run dry, and we have no money to pay next month's bill), and it's possible it may well close if we can't get some immediate help.

Although our bandwidth problems are slightly less worrisome as they were a month or so ago, we're still in dire straits. The site is currently costing around $250-300 USD a month to run (including the server, extra bandwidth etc), and I'm sure you can appreciate that this is a lot.

We would very much appreciate it if you would make a donation towards Ultimate Metal, which you can do via any of the methods detailed here. A general minimum donation is $5 USD (although larger donations are appreciated, if you can afford it). We will not charge people to access the site at all, as this is not fair on those who can't afford it (and also not practical for the site's community). It is up to your own personal circumstances whether you feel you want to (or can) donate or not.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me directly at mark@ultimatemetal.com - we appreciate your assistance. The site wouldn't - and couldn't - be here without you!


This sounds really worrying! Has anyone from here donated any money yet or are they going to?
Things are looking much brighter now, guys, thanks to everyone's support.

If you'd rather have something for you money, though, check out the UM T-Shirt announcement ;) :)