Hate Crew Deathroll

Dude, a US tour! Gonna see if I can get to a cple shows instead of just the one (that will hopefully be near me). btw, it's kickass when bands actually take time to listen to their fans, and more importantly write back. I wrote to Arch Enemy and they responded to my e-mail. Very nice bunch of guys they are. Wish all of these metal bands were like that. I wanted to e-mail Shaffer from Iced Earth to recommend he do a song with Vortex (?) from Dimmu Borgir. His voice is so dark, melodic and awsome. I'm sure Shaffer with his sick songwriting skills could turn that into a great song.
I seriously doubt they'd do a US tour after releasing the album. You have to realize the album won't even be released in the states until as late as March, whereas it will be released in (I think) January for you Fins. They might, and I heavily stress MIGHT, do a USA tour, but not as soon as the album. But then again maybe he meant as soon as it's released in America
Damn guys, I almost had a stroke. I haven't checked up on CoB lately and didn't know. Someone said it was to be release in january. Is that true?

Must say, I'm glad it's not released yet, pfuf!:grin: