HATE ME! solo difference?

if you can't pick it up then maybe there's something wrong with you/your ears/brain
perhaps....you dont know, but i'm a big fat retard who lives near a graveyard and listens to electro-remixes of hip-hop songs all day while drinking Vodka-Lime...

no let's be serious: WHAT solo is different? the one in the middle, the one more towards the end? just give me a point where the differing solo starts so I can give it a quick listen and i'm happy again
yeah it is indeed. I hear it now :) I was listening to 2x the same song all the time....no wonder I didn't hear any difference....lol *feels like an idiot*

i'm gonna slap my friend who gave me the CD and ask for a new birthday present :p
I just found a third version of the song, which I haven't heard before:
