Hatebreed - Supremacy and Zeuss/Planet Z in general...

Supremacy is killer mixwise AND song wise.

I used to listen to that album everyday last summer.

I agree, but it DOES sound quite a bit different to me vs. the previous 2 CD's, which were a bit more similar.

Have you heard the new HB Slayer cover music vid that's circulating around? Even on that Youtube clip, the mix sounds great. Wonder if it's a Zeuss mix...It kills.
I think the Supremacy mix is good, just a LOT different from HB's previous 2 discs, which IMO were heavier and thicker.

+1. You sir, are fucking awesome. I find that Chris tends to mix more focused, cleaner but smaller sounding recordings. This is awesome for hardcore and punk, but I find the guitars to always come off a tad too thin for metal. Once again, this is merely an "IMHO" statement.
I came across his studio myspace recently off of the Born Of Osiris myspace. http://www.myspace.com/zplanetz
Before this I haven't found anything about him online other than his posts at gearslutz. Im digging his work on the new Impending Doom. Sounded alot like a Jason Suecof mix to me at first.

this guy did amazing records with amazing guitar tones!!!!!!!!!!!
The icepick record (were he actuelly played guitars on) is SO FUCKING BRUTAL. IT destroys everthing!!!!!!
ICEPICK is like a good new hatebreed record with the balls from "the rise of brutality"
I like what he did with the last Arsis album as well. Word on the street is Chris is doing the new Arsis album as well. I talked with Noah Martin and it seems he will possibly doing the bass tracks for them, but that is still in the air
+1 for the art of balance, and pretty much any shadows fall mix they manage to always get everything audible without it turning into a mess.