hehehe...yeah, they suck.

So does Disturbed...has anyone seen the Maxim Magazine review of Ten Thousand Fists?

Sure, the riffs SOUND like metal, but we smell...poseur. Maybe it's the way the singer preens like he's fronting Journey, but by the time Disturbed launch into their unintentionally hilarious cover of Genesis' "Land of Confusion" it's clear the whole band's gone soft.

nothing special, but i do think satisfaction is good.after that album they kinda fell flat.
oddly enough I can listen to Disturbed. I like the guys voice. The music on 10,000 fists is mindnumblingy repetitive and predicatable though. Their second album I enjoy But I could listen to a musical rotation of Disturbed, Hank Williams, and Darkthrone and enjoy it heheh.
gaschamber said:
they have all the elements i look for in a band...heavy, fast, mean, hateful....but they aint catchy, and they do absolutly NOTHING for me.

I totally agree. Just a bunch of fucking noise.

Evil Dead said:

Now I did like Biohazard up to State of The World address. Never seen em live though.

Same for me on liking them up to SOTWA. All the other shit is Hardcore noise after that album.

I saw them open up for Slayer in early 1995 with Machine Head. That fucking owned.
Yes, I always liked Biohazard and Madball. Some Hatebreed are alright but their metallic-hardcore thing has been done to death now.
I see someone like Jamey who stayed true to the metal end of hardcore, shit I played a show w/ Hatebreed in 96 in Norcal w/ 16 kids on a Sunday matinee, for him to keep at it, sell over 250k records w/ Victory, then sign to a major, keep his publishing, have his management company work w/ awesome bands and also get them deals and then work his knowledge and personna into the Headbangers 2 gig.

no reason to hate here
overall yes more like madball and biohazard but some of those riffs and they have said it themselves are directly borrowed off left hand path, clandestine and necroticism.
I with bobo c on this one. Although Hatebreed has borrowed heavily from all the bands Billy stated plus a handful of others. It all seems to work for me. I don't think of them as original or innovative but in this day and age with so much music that doesn't inspire me to vent my frustrations through interpative dance. I think they do a very good job, especially at getting my fat ass on the floor and achieving the psychotic state I need to have fun.

Best Regards,


And now for something completely different

Momo and Ric Ocasek at CBGB's

Hey Billy, next time you see your good pal Vinnie Stigma, ask him about his new Hatebreed tatoo he got back in May...

Would make for a nice conversation ;)
I am one of the only ones that like hatebreed here then. Saw them a few times and they kicked some major ass. Saw them open for Slayer and that was one of the crazier shows that i have been to in some time, i even got nailed so hard in my face that i had my tooth go all the way through my lip.......blood and metal, thats what i like.