Haul/"In The Mail" thread

Nevermore - Enemies of Reality (limited edition with bonus DVD)
Troll - The Last Predators
Crowhead - Frozen

don't you just love it when coming home and to find a pile of (padded) envelopes containing quality music waiting on your doorstep to be opened... :blush:
Dog Fashion Disco - Anarchists of Good Taste
Dog Fashion Disco - Committed to a Bright Future
King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King
^ nice, i got some cool dvd's a while back as well:

Red Harvest - Harvest Bloody Harvest (that awesome metalbox :rock: )
Zyklon - Storm Detonation Live
Bob Marley - The Legend Live :blush:
Well, I went and opened the mailbox today and I found a small package from Century Media today.

At last...Borknagar's first album on CD delivered into my mailbox. :kickass: This after I downloaded the new Bjork CD from iTunes.

Norway, Iceland...just the thing for a hot, summer's day. :rock:

By the way, I don't know if CM Distro will have any more copies of "Borknagar," so check ahead at the store.
How is Storm Detonation? I don't even have their latest disc, I should pick it up. Zyklon is great stuff.
it's kinda cool. the actual concert, at Party San 2004, gets pretty boring after a while, in my opinion. even though they selected some of their hardest tracks.

the bonus 'on the road and backstage' footage, which is i think, over half an hour, is a lot more fun to watch!

if you, like me, are a fan but have never seen mighty Zyklon live, this dvd is a great oppurtunity to witness their performance.
The Kovenant - In Times Before the Light (reissue of original recording, with demo tape as bonus)
Red Harvest - New World Rage Music

can't wait to own 3 copies of the first album of The Kovenant: original (1997), re-recorded (2002) and now finally the reissue :D