Winmar Pillock of society Apr 16, 2001 7,452 8 38 Canberra Jul 3, 2005 #21 Thanks, Haup. Why have I never heard of HIM?
Southy Proud Brisbane Metaller Jul 28, 2001 7,509 10 38 45 Brisbane,Australia Visit site Jul 4, 2005 #22 cause they fucking suck
Goreripper Metal as fuck Aug 24, 2001 10,500 2 38 55 Blue Mountains, Australia Jul 4, 2005 #23
Blitzkrieg Master Exploder Apr 13, 2001 10,886 8 38 41 Victoria, Australia Jul 9, 2005 #24 Goreripper said: A lot of HIM haters are elitist idiots who think that anything that's popular must by definition suck. I will admit that they are the sort of band that attracts dumb fans, but that doesn't mean the band itself isn't cool. Click to expand... Well put. HIM have been on my list of bands to get into for a while. I really like most of the stuff I have heard.
Goreripper said: A lot of HIM haters are elitist idiots who think that anything that's popular must by definition suck. I will admit that they are the sort of band that attracts dumb fans, but that doesn't mean the band itself isn't cool. Click to expand... Well put. HIM have been on my list of bands to get into for a while. I really like most of the stuff I have heard.
Winmar Pillock of society Apr 16, 2001 7,452 8 38 Canberra Jul 11, 2005 #25 You have a list of bands to get into? I like that.
Blitzkrieg Master Exploder Apr 13, 2001 10,886 8 38 41 Victoria, Australia Jul 15, 2005 #26 So much great shit out there, I don't have time for it all! Have to work through it.
Winmar Pillock of society Apr 16, 2001 7,452 8 38 Canberra Jul 16, 2005 #27 Yeah, figured as much. Just sounded amusing.