Have I overdone the effects and weird noises?

Star Ark

Apr 6, 2010
I've got this song with heaps of effects and strange noises going on. At first I loved them, and now after a few weeks of really working at the song I'm at that point where you have heard it all too many times and you start to question yourself. I've only shown it to a few reverbnation people and one friend, and the one friend thought I had gone overboard. What do you guys think?

Any other things you like or don't like about the mix are welcome too, but specifically do you find the effects over the top in a good way or a bad way?


The song is called "Enlightened like martians"
Dude i love this stuff and it sounds great

I don't think you over did it with the effects but as you said I haven't heard it as many times as you have.
In my opinion, is all about the feeling you are trying to get across with the sound design, don't think about how many layer of audio there is or if there is too much going on during the parts that it gets confusing cause that might be what you were going for..at the end of the day is all about whether you were able to make someone feel a certain way with all the sounds you added. I'm a filmmaker so that's how I like to approach sound design for music, let it tell a story.

Just my two cents
Thanks for listening guys

I think I may automate a few of the glitchy noises down a few db here and there but leave it mostly untouched.


all the sounds are kaoss pad3 or kaossilator mini 3 by the way. Fastest way to make weird noises, I can't be bothered learning how the real electro arstists make their effects