have to share this with evry1.....


the lizard queen
Mar 12, 2003
where else - TX
my little anthrax fan in training, peri, took her first spoonful of sweet potatoes.

and there was much rejoicing.....yay. :OMG:

pardon my ignorance, but how can i get, ahem, show off pix of my child like some of y'all do? or any pix?
Either digital camera, or scan a photo to your PC.
I think some of the photo shops (Drugstores, Meijers, Wal-Mart, etc.)
Will offer to put pictures on a CD for you.

Oh yeah...congrats. I have a couple of kids too, and remember all those small things can really make your day.
You also need to find a website to host the pictures if you want to show them here.
I don't know what sites do that, but I think nafnikufesin and bRaTpRiNcEsS do.