I spotted Delpi last night at the KISS show. He was wearing a sweet "Stomp" shirt (of which I also own one.) He was with some kick ass old dude who saw the real KISS. It was Justins first KISS show. I was HAMMERED, HAMMERED. Tonight I'm taking my little niece to see them, so I will take in a sober KISS show. The fake KISS was actually quite good. I just pay attn. to Gene (fat fuck) and Paul (fruity booty) and ignore the scabs. I've seen KISS 17 times and it was the first time I saw them do "Got to Choose," "Makin' Love," "Christeen 16" So that was cool. I'd like to hear from Justin to see if he had fun. THey were selling CDs of the show there. It sounds awesome. I took a girl who seeing her first KISS show, and she had a ball. And then on the way home she wouldn't keep her tongue out of my throat or her hands off of my balls. :Spin: Thank you Gene and Paul (fat fuck and fruity booty, respectively), this was our first date, and I think it was a winner. If not, back to the bar for another one