Justin Delprince live in concert


I spotted Delpi last night at the KISS show. He was wearing a sweet "Stomp" shirt (of which I also own one.) He was with some kick ass old dude who saw the real KISS. It was Justins first KISS show. I was HAMMERED, HAMMERED. Tonight I'm taking my little niece to see them, so I will take in a sober KISS show. The fake KISS was actually quite good. I just pay attn. to Gene (fat fuck) and Paul (fruity booty) and ignore the scabs. I've seen KISS 17 times and it was the first time I saw them do "Got to Choose," "Makin' Love," "Christeen 16" So that was cool. I'd like to hear from Justin to see if he had fun. THey were selling CDs of the show there. It sounds awesome. I took a girl who seeing her first KISS show, and she had a ball. And then on the way home she wouldn't keep her tongue out of my throat or her hands off of my balls. :Spin: Thank you Gene and Paul (fat fuck and fruity booty, respectively), this was our first date, and I think it was a winner. If not, back to the bar for another one :rock:
Yes, it was quite kickass.

I absolutely LOVE the idea of selling CDs of the show AT THE SHOW. Whoever started this is a business genius. I hope more bands do that. (Plus you'll notice Kiss change their set around on the tour to sell more CDs.) I bought 4 copies of the show. One for a friend, two to sell on eBay, and one to keep unless it's worth a lot on eBay.

Ty, hopefully your combination of alcohol and songs about sex worked.

By the way, the Stomp shirt is the "We came. We saw. We fuckin' stomped!" shirt. I'm always in fashion at shows.

My only problem with the show was men who love Poison. I can understand women think Bret Michaels is hot and love their cheesy lyrics. But how can a man stand there and sing a dumb 80s ballad wearing a t-shirt where the band members look like Lita Ford and have any self-respect. I'm not being hypocritical for liking Kiss because guys who like Kiss want to be fire breathing dragons. Of course, people have been wondering this for over two decades.
it is a great idea bands selling cds straight after the show,the smaller bands like anthrax would benrfit greatly with the extra bucks,sell them for 20 bucks each and u would make a killing,i dont know why no one thought of it sooner,hopefully the idea takes off!
Instant Live is the company doing it. I would've gotten tonights show from Riverbend but it was the exact same set from last night. Somehow guy w/ "platinum" passes (I spend $$$$ like a drunken sailor, but I still can't afford a $1,000 ticket) said they played "Flaming Youth," and "All American Man" during soundcheck, so I was praying, but alas it didn't happen. It's funny, a lot of sluge people and blabber people are saying this tour is doing terrible, but to me, if you're averaging 10,000 people a night, that's pretty good. Most bands would kill for that.
jdelpi said:
I absolutely LOVE the idea of selling CDs of the show AT THE SHOW. Whoever started this is a business genius. I hope more bands do that. (.

I read an article on this just today. A small company invented the live taping and mass duplication and Clear (Hail Hitler) Channel bought them out. Great for the inventor, but shitty foir the rest of us. You see there are 3 different companies out there that can do this. But the Nazis at Clear (Hail Hitler) Channel wont allow a band to play at their venues, if the bands want to use a rivals technology. I hate Clear (Hail Hitler) Channel and would not give them a dime for any CD that they make a profit from. Maybe bands should do what Metallica did/does. Make the live recordings available so that the band profits instead of a Nazi corpration.
jdelpi said:
You're saying Clear Channel owns Instant Live Concert?

I believe that was the name of the company. Jewel is doing the same thing as Kiss is/was. I will find the articel I was reading and copy it here for you to read.
jdelpi said:

As of last week, Jewel fans can now buy a CD of the concert they just attended as they leave the show with Clear Channel Entertainment's new "InstantLive." Copies of all Jewel's shows will be sold online. Clear Channel also announced signing Peter Frampton, Kiss, and the Cowboy Junkies to InstantLive.

Competitors claim the entertainment giant is trying to control a key patent-covering technology that makes the service possible. Clear Channel registered its patent in early April of this year, saying rights to the process were purchased from tech developers. Smaller startup services like Immediatek Inc.'s DiscLive are also offering instant live CD duplication, but they have been warned they may face lawsuits over technology theft.

Clear Channel is also allegedly telling artists whose tours they sponsor that they can't use DiscLive for instant CD sales -- only Clear Channel's own InstantLive is allowed. String Cheese Incident manager Mike Luba says he's already feuded with Clear Channel over not being allowed to use the band's CD-burning equipment at its concerts. Luba said, "It's one more step toward massive control and consolidation of Clear Channel's corporate agenda."

Word on the street is that Warner Bros. is seeking an "emergency injunction" against Clear Channel's InstantLive from operating until their case is heard.

Here is one articel I found. Similar to the one I read, but there were more bands complaining about clear channel.

PS. So you are the guy who snipes me on some of my Ebay bids.
jdelpi said:
Are you anthrax_collector?

I support patents and copyright laws (to some extent) but the idea of burning CDs is nothing new. I don't see how burning CDs at after a concert can be protected by patent law. Maybe I am missing some info.

Why Yes I am anthrax collector.

I think the patent has to do with the speed, and mass duplication of the CDs. I dont know how it works (I have not been to a concert where you can purchase a live cd). Are the CDs available as soon as you leave a show? I just ahte the fact that Clear Channel is bullying around musicians, just like Ticketmaster. I not against big business or corporations, I just do not like how Clear Channel Entertainment controls the entire music industry.