O/T: KISS & Aerosmith review from the Nati.


Normally I'm pumped up about a KISS show for months in advance. I miss the "golden time" of waiting in line at ticketmaster to get the best seats and then staring at the tix until the day of show. This tour just didn't dazzle me like that. But once Saliva (who the hell chose these clowns to open?) finished their set, and The Who's "Won't Get Fooled Again" came across the PA, I knew it was time. The hair on the back of my neck was crawling. And then the infamous intro came about as the band descended down from the rafters. HOLY SHIT, this is KISS. It was KISS and it was a DAMNED good time. But, the "magic" just wasn't there. KISS, although co-headlining, are playing first, and the sun was still blazing. KISS, although Peter is back, are minus an Ace. Although Tommy is a better guitarist than Ace, the chemistry just wasn't right. I saw KISS in the 80's and 90's w/ Bruce and Eric, and there was still some magic, because it wasn't contrived. WE KNEW what we were seeing, but having a fake Ace after your Farewell tour leaves a bad taste in my mouth. All that being said, It was KISS, and they blew the roof off of Riverbend. Everyone and their brother was into it. KISS knew people wanted the hits, and they delivered. I was pleasantly surprised at how many people knew "100,000 Years" and "I Want You." Paul was of course, the best front man ever. Gene looked like lost some weight, and was in good spirits. Peter was the surprise. He sounded better than he has in years. For real. Sure, he isn't as fast as he was, but he was hitting the drums well and was on it all night.

Aerosmith, they should really play first. Not knocking Aerosmith, but after the energy of KISS, the crowd was much more lethargic. They did 3 blues songs, which would have sounded great at "Joes," but I don't think they connected with the ampitheatre crowd. Other than that, they stuck to the classics. I even enjoyed the ballads they played because I had my new girlie with me (she's the shit!) and you know how it is when the "ballads" come on and you got your girl. Incidentally, I was at Iron Maided and Dio last week and there were people selling roses everywhere, so I thought, "Cool, I'll get Kyndle oone of those rock venue roses at the KISS show" but alas, no roses at the KISS/Aerosmith show!? But they had them at Dio and Maiden!? Fucking smart marketing eh?

I'll prolly catch another show, 'cause it is KISS, but really, the people losing out are diehards of BOTH bands. You are paying twice as much, to see 3/4 of the show of your faves. Both bands get 75minutes. That is why this tour doesn't make sense to me. Neither band needs the other to sell tickets. I think it was allCLEAR CHANNEL AND THEIR EVIL EMPIRE.

Peace out nuck nuck
Yeah, you were telling me about how KISS would be on in the daylight....
I just can't imagine a KISS concert in daylight, you know?
Glad you and the "new girlie" are enjoying the same music, that rules!
ThraxDude said:
Yeah, you were telling me about how KISS would be on in the daylight....
I just can't imagine a KISS concert in daylight, you know?
Glad you and the "new girlie" are enjoying the same music, that rules!

I wouldn't say anything is "official" w/ the girlie just yet, but we seem to keep each other good company................................................
sounds pretty cool,god i wish aerosmith would get back down here,they havent toured here since pump album came out and they were fucking great live!
I've seen Kiss for 3 times and it's like... the 1st time it was the best, and it was the reunion tour.
Sometimes I think they should bury their asses in The Kiss Kasket. But no offense, I actually like the band. But aren't they becoming a joke?
johnnieCzech said:
I actually like the band. But aren't they becoming a joke?

Becoming, became during the farewell tour (someone send Gene a dictionary), whichever, doesn't matter. Until the end of time people will pay to see Kiss live because Nostalgia is a bitch.
I was also at the show, and I ditto everything you say.

Kiss played fine, looked fine, the stage was great. But the magic was missing. Fake Ace, daylight, and opening for Aerosmith.
I also went last night to the show in Columbus. Exact same set. I think KISS was actually better, I had a much better view. I didn't have as much fun though. It was a spur of the moment trip with a stoner buddy of mine, and I knew I had to "behave" because I worked today, so I just went and chilled. At the Cincy show I was with 2 girls and my best friend, and we had a BLAST. At any rate: KISS blew Aerosmith off the Germain Ampitheatre stage. People were leaving in droves during Aerosmith's set. If KISS had Ace on this tour it would be unreal. Funny thing is, I don't think 85% of the boneheads in the crowd knew the difference.