Have you ever asked a woman out on a date via teh intarw3b?

Doomcifer said:
Yep. Except for one chick who had a wicked smelly pussy. I took down her pants and was ready to stick it to her then said, "uuh, I got to go." hhahahahaha. I left and gave her a phony #, and actually seen her a few months later applying for the same job that I was applying for and it was really fucking awkward. 'Net bithces. pfft.
ugh ... that is fucking nasty :loco:
Doomcifer said:
Yep. Except for one chick who had a wicked smelly pussy. I took down her pants and was ready to stick it to her then said, "uuh, I got to go." hhahahahaha. I left and gave her a phony #, and actually seen her a few months later applying for the same job that I was applying for and it was really fucking awkward. 'Net bithces. pfft.
hahahahaha you just won this thread for the second time.

Fortunately I've never had the ultra-stank attack, but I did witness a Mega Bush one time. Shit wrapped all the way to the backdoor too, jesus.
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One Inch Man said:
hahahahaha you just won this thread for the second time.

Fortunately I've never had the ultra-stank attack, but I did witness a Mega Bush one time. Shit wrapped all the way to the backdoor too, jesus.

Did you go hunting? :loco:

Dude, for real, that was fucking disgusting. She was hsaved too, so she must have not have taken a shower for about a week. My dick went from a totem pole, to a fucking al dente noodle in .37 secons flat. It was like RAID for dick.
Blech. :yuk: Yeah I went hunting. Shit was hard to find, I couldn't see it!!!

I remember reading this article in Maxim that talked about how a woman's diet affects her ah, special scent. So I experimented with my last girlfriend, I paid attention for a few weeks there. Greasy fast food = potent and vegetables = STANKIN. Maybe her ass pulled a ventriloquist though, I dunno. :Spin:
aghhhhhhh .... stop it. I might be scoring tonight and this is not what I want to think about :D
Whoa this thread is pretty funny. I have another e-date this weekend, meeting some chick at a beerfest. She likes King Crimson and beer, SCOCOOROEROROSEOEOSE.

[/spaffe's magic search]
Been there, it's bad news. Let's just say all fat girls have that one angle. That same pose in every damned picture of them. I love the shock that took place though when I deemed her unacceptable. As if I would just say "Hey, oh well, you're fat and your a liar, pfft who cares. Let's go get some Big Macs with a large order of denile."
well chromie and i didn't exactly ask each other out. hmm. it was kinda "well i bought you a ticket to the queensryche concert so be here then". and so it was :tickled:
hehehe ... this thread is funny.
just filled out this very extensive sign up questionaire for www.eharmony.com the other night.
it's a very different website, in that it matches you up with people of similar personalities. once you register it does not give you this humongous database of people to search from ... in my instance it gave me 5 women from within 30 miles of my zip code and that's it.
one already started communications with me. even that is uncoventional, first few email exchanges are stock questions from their list of questions, if you go past these ... well you are on your way.

anyway, it's a site for more serious people, people ready to settle down ... and it's about $50 a month.
I thought about signing up until I saw the price tag. :guh:

I'm doing this internet thing to save $$$ on wasted drinks at the bar, not spend some $50 a month dammit!
yeah well ... it costs me about $50 for a shitty date with food and drinks ... so I figured I rather try this.
In NYC, $50 will get you 3 Martinis, no shit.

Oh, and how or why a guy would wipe back to front is beyond me. Get that shit away from the family jewels, don't park it at the doorstep.
lurch70 said:
yeah well ... it costs me about $50 for a shitty date with food and drinks ... so I figured I rather try this.
Aye, true. It's always a balance, spend too much and they'll expect it on the next date (if there is one), spend too little and you're a kyke. DAMN WIMMENZ. :loco: