Have you ever wondered who our 'guests' always are?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Are these people who have drfited into UM? People who have linked in from the 'Forum' button at RC? Or just random people surfing the net?

I wonder. 'Tis a bit spooky. :loco:

It's a bit like UM members on invisible mode evesdropping into conversations. Damn bastards. :heh:
I like to think of them as ghosts (like Casper, translucent and gay), but I do know that one of them is a unregistered bro of mine when I send him a link to one of our ridiculous / heated / informative threads. :heh:
Yeah but if you're signed in and invisible, you still show up on the Members lists. :D