Haven't done one of these in a while...

fuckin' awesome. you're damn good, wish i was off your skill level =). two questions: how long have you been playing, and do you have more stuff like that? give me some amusement to watch a few more things like that.
Cool, glad you guys liked it. Yeah, burton, I have one more vid like that on this PC I think... it was from about a year ago at band rehearsal, I decided to rip out the forest solo, and a friend of mine happened to capture it. I've been playing for 4 years now... but I haven't played much in the last 6 months... my gear all died on me so that was a daunter.

I still wish there was more people around that did these.. back when I joined these forums, there were guys constantly recording themselves... my guitaring basically grew from learning from them, hehe. (cue: bumblefoot/mr niel enter....)
[KOTNO]Narrot said:
mh, i refuse to download .mov - files. seriously...

Thanks for sharing.

Anyway, that was great Moonlapse. Definitly post whatever else you've got lying around.
Thanks alot guys, it's really good to hear all this, especially since I've barely picked the guitar up for the past 6 months.

@ChrisEmerson: Yeah, that was Bumblefoot playing it. I've been trying to learn that solo for ages, but for the life of me can't play it fluently enough.

@Hope leaves: You'll be surprised at this... haha.

See that pedal in the first frame of the video? Well that's a Boss ME-50. That's pretty much the crux of my tone. The amp? It's an Epiphone 10 watt... yeah... I was using my rhythm guitar setting too, but it seemed to have come out alright anyway.

@Dreadful: You could say that. I normally like to learn by playing both ways. If I can play it fast, then that's one hurdle out of the way. If I play it fast, but it sounds like shit, then I slow it down and work on technique.

Thanks again dudes. I'll see if I can dig up that old Forest of October thing.