Having trouble separating this mix. How do?


New Metal Member
Mar 15, 2011
I'm pretty new to production, and I'm having a ridiculous amount of trouble making room for everything in this mix via eq. How do? Guitars are LePou, drums are Superior with a Slate kick, interface is a Saffire 6, and the vocals were recorded with an AT2035. Not working with a whole lot, but I'm sure better has been done with less. Pick this apart!

I purposely left that out in an effort to not get flack. Bass for now is the worst of the worse... Halion PickBass:zipit:. Real bass wasn't an option as I refused to record a Gretsch half scale bass with 6 month old strings on it. I'm not sure if it's the way I'm going about recording bass, or if it's the lack of good equipment, but every time I make an attempt, I have the hardest time even seeing transients. It makes it impossible for me to edit.
Also, I just realized that the reason for the lack of distinguishable transient on the snare (as well as the rest of the shells) is due to me having the attack of my drum bus compression being set WAY too fast. Fixing that now as well.