Having trouble with getting a gold bass tone

slightly off topic, but listening to that pantera link and the lack of punch in the drums compared to alot of other stuff really shows how much of a monster dimebag was.
Don't get me wrong i'ma ware it was all a band effort getting those tracks to slam you between the eyes like they do, but fuck, his playing, as well as being ridiculously creative and clean, had so much attitude
slightly off topic, but listening to that pantera link and the lack of punch in the drums compared to alot of other stuff really shows how much of a monster dimebag was.
Don't get me wrong i'ma ware it was all a band effort getting those tracks to slam you between the eyes like they do, but fuck, his playing, as well as being ridiculously creative and clean, had so much attitude

The thing that always impressed me about far beyond drivens production is how the drums and guitar sound so separate from each other. They both have their own place in the mix, more so than most other mixes in my opinion.

I still consider far beyond to be one of my favorite productions of all time.
I still consider far beyond to be one of my favorite productions of all time.

right there with you... def the best thing terry date has done anyways. 20 years later it still stands out to me as one of the most crushing mixes i have heard. probably also helps that it was my first exposure to metal as a 12 year old kid :rock:
Heres a quick mix of a bass tone I tried out this morning. Its only a few measures and its tuned a half step too sharp but you get the idea. I made the bass a little louder than I usually would so you guys could hear it.

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When I got a grindy bass I sometimes have some trouble with the the excess of clank. The tone in general sounds good but it just cuts right though the mix and it sounds a bit annoying to me. Any idea what might I be doing wrong?

I have tried using some multiband compressors on these high freqs and it did some work...Is this common practice or am I just polishing a turd or something? :(
Don't go crazy with plugins and MB comps. Post an example here.
this one is nearly as great of a bass tone as I'm broken

here's a clip a made a long while ago when I got my bass

nothing too crazy here, one track of clean amplitube3 and one of BOD iirc
EQs and comp at that point I think, maybe some dist/saturation on the BOD clip too, I dunno anymore exactly.

For bass tone it's a lot about the instrument and how you play it.

If you go with ermins approch you'll get a different result though.
His way of mixing the bass for metal is all about controlling the low end, so it is totally limited in it's dynamic range. Works really good in mixes, but doesn't sound like that on it's own.
Less "breath" to it.
Both can work, depending on how you want it.
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I'm having a little more success now. I'm finding that bass tones are a little more trebley than I originally thought.

I'm using one direct track and one slightly distorted track with so much treble that it "clicks" every time I pluck it. Both have compression and eq.

I also think that too much mid range on the bass really muddied up the mix.
Heres a quick mix I just did. Do you guys think the bass is too clicky? Pay no attention to the generic riffage, this is just an example

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Heres a quick mix I just did. Do you guys think the bass is too clicky? Pay no attention to the generic riffage, this is just an example

Seems lacking in in low end. Try high passing it and running another track for just the low end.

nothing too crazy here, one track of clean amplitube3 and one of BOD iirc
EQs and comp at that point I think, maybe some dist/saturation on the BOD clip too, I dunno anymore exactly.

For bass tone it's a lot about the instrument and how you play it.

If you go with ermins approch you'll get a different result though.
His way of mixing the bass for metal is all about controlling the low end, so it is totally limited in it's dynamic range. Works really good in mixes, but doesn't sound like that on it's own.
Less "breath" to it.
Both can work, depending on how you want it.

How does everyone love B.O.D? It always sounds like crap to me but I love this, ha!
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It's lacking low end, but it's a great start. Could you please post screenshots (or write) of what plugins and settings did you use?
It's lacking low end, but it's a great start. Could you please post screenshots (or write) of what plugins and settings did you use?

There's really not much going on in terms of plug ins except some high and low pass filters and a little compression. Most of the sound is coming directly from my Eleven Rack guitar interface for bass and guitar.

I read an article on The Recording Revolution where the guy said that frequencies in the 2k range are very harsh on the ears (probably some of the best recording advice I've ever gotten) so I used a parametric eq on my Eleven Rack and cut in the 2k range and boosted a little in the 4k range.

I'm a little worried about adding anymore low end to the bass guitar because it might be too much bass in the mix. If you listen to Rex's bass tone on the first page it's actually very trebley, most of the thickness and low end seems to be coming from Dimes guitar tone.