hay i am new and would like to introduce myself

well I figured I best introduce myself. and then tell you a bit about my way of life.
Well I am the omniscient creature... Hmm... that's about it for introducing myself.
i never force my way of thinking on any one. I think people only have an opinion on things. i think the only way to know if you are a strong person is if you know how to think and how to act. If you know how to be who you are and don't take shit from any one but don't give shit back but only words of the wise you can then call yourself strong. I put things in the clear to people and work on them. I hate mean insinuations. Insinuations that keep a friendship but bite down on the fingers of friends. I see these things happen to my friends all the time. I have been called a sage many times by people I help out of sorrow. And by one friend who knows me inside. I know the works of most man. I have been told I am a goth but I don't put myself in the position of a group. I think every one is different but on the same level. I am just who I am. I like what I like. I let nothing get in my way of life. I know what I want and I go for it with my eyes ears and senses open. Well I must commence with the rocking.
I bid thee well.

OH YEAH! And my 2 most favorite bands are deadsy and rammstein.
One can not say way is and what is not.