He touched her breasts..SLAP - "fuckin idiot" - in front of millions.

Man, if that was staged... best promo ever! Looks very real, but I'm not completely buying it yet (maybe because I'm in the same biz). Regardless whether it was staged or not, good promo.
Hmmmm this makes me wonder...I don´t think, that was really planned. But If yes...fuckin much people talk about this today..It´s an effectiv promo. But he stands there like a horny Asshole. This could not been his wish. Seriously.

What a misogynistic shithead, he deserved to get emasculated on TV - well played lady

+ 1000
If that clip was american -- and three years old -- I would think they were doing a Scarlett Johansson reference/parody...

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Hmmmm this makes me wonder...I don´t think, that was really planned. But If yes...fuckin much people talk about this today..It´s an effectiv promo. But he stands there like a horny Asshole. This could not been his wish. Seriously.

It's all about the ratings (Deutsch: Quote)... and this will bring in many listeners especially if they continue to milk this "incident" on-air and off-air ("Morgenhans" - the guy in question - already put a video in his personal blog...).

So I'm just saying that I wouldn't be surprised at all if this was staged, because it also fits the generated Image of "Morgenhans" and Big FM in general. But in the long run, this could very well backfire...

Our morning show host could never pull this off in a believable way (would be ironic though, cause he's gay ;) )... and that's good cause the demise of quality standards is already bad enough throughout the business. :Puke:
She IS scandinavian... her name's Johansson, man......

She's danish... ever eat a danish? Extra cheesy
Omg what an ashole.
The best thing is his reaction, he's so intimidated after the slap :D
Thats 100 percent real, or he's a really really really good actor (and he's not)
You can see his "displacement activity" (scratching and almost giggling), because it is an inner conflict between "escape", "reacting aggressive", and "damn, i have to stay here", and his voice shows how unpleasant the situation is.
Sorry, we had that in class a few weeks ago ;)
Naah, isn't her granny from Sweden? Or something like that... don't recall Denmark atleast.

I would think she has Swedish traits, because Johansson is a Swedish surname, while the Danish equivalent would be Johansen(Norwegian = Johanssen).